link forum

  1. Ozzy47

    [OzzModz] Link Forum Attributes 2.0.0

    Allows to set link attributes to "link forum" node, like "target", "rel" etc.
  2. D

    XF 1.5 I can not delete or edit a link forum .

    Hi, plz need help, i can not delete or edit a link forum ( The requested link forum could not be found. ) and i can not find it in the database. ( xf_link_forum ) Before this happens, i had been able to create multiple links, without any problems, only happened with this one. Can you help...
  3. THB

    XF 1.5 link forum

    I want it open new windown or new tab? ex: when click link it open new windown or new tab? and change icon.
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