js minify

  1. mattrogowski

    Fixed Error minifying addon JS when external service down

    Might not be classed as a bug but is an issue one way or another. XF\Service\AddOn\JsMinifier makes a cURL request to https://closure-compiler.appspot.com/compile, which is currently throwing a 503 error and saying Over Quota This application is temporarily over its serving quota. Please try...
  2. JasonBrody

    Add-on SEO (SEO2) Add-on Alternative to provide such features !

    Hi 😊 Though I couldn't be that lucky to use the add-on by @au lait, wish he could continue - so I could buy & use those my needed features . . . ANYWAY! HE STOPPED . . I've been on WordPress for long time & according to one of my mate the SEO2 add-on just worked like YOAST SEO plugin . ...
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