guest page cache

  1. bzcomputers

    Guest Page Caching - Redis vs Cloudflare vs Other?

    For those who have tried either Redis Guest Page Caching, Cloudflare Guest Page Caching or another guest page caching solution... What is your experience? Much of a performance change? Have you tried different caching options and found benefits of one solution over another?
  2. H

    Unmaintained Add More Guest Page Cache Variations

    Open /xrc/XF/PageCache.php, backup a copy to your local computer. For xf 2.3 : Find this function : generateCacheId(), within that function : Find this line : $cacheId = 'page_' . sha1($uri) . '_' . strlen($uri) . "_s{$styleId}_sv{$styleVariation}_l{$languageId}_c{$cookieConsentId}_v" ...
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