
  1. C

    Hip Hobbies A forum dedicated to general hobbies and niche hobbies. All things hobbies! If I am totally missing something big, please let me know! I would really like to have this place be a good all around hobby forum. Please come join and check out the site. It is brand...
  2. Amin Sabet

    Implemented XenForo tools to comply with GDPR - rights to erasure and data portability

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is set to replace the Data Protection Directive 95/46/ec effective May 25, 2018. As I understand it: The GPDR will apply to XenForo sites which have members or visitors who reside in OR are citizens of the EU The GPDR will be potentially...
  3. A

    issue with ammount text allowed ?

    hello i try making a thread using xenforo but when i add a list with 2000+ its giving me error saying text too large ? how can i extend my text amount for posting threads thanks
  4. keenants

    Unmaintained ★ Socialteenz ★Awesome Rank Set [v01-03]

    .-= Awesome Rank set [v01-03]=-. I've included the psd for all the 3versions. Just download & edit it to your likings.
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