floating menu

  1. [HA] Floating Menu (XF2) - Add Button

    [HA] Floating Menu (XF2) - Add Button

    In this video you will see how to add buttons to the floating menu using [HA] Floating Menu add-on for Xenforo 2 Purchase the add-on: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/ha-floating-menu-xf2.6458/
  2. Ozzy47

    [OzzModz] Floating Menu 2.2.1 Patch Level 3

    Easily add a floating menu to your XF2 site. Customize any link/button based on user and page criteria, and also let users show/hide the menu from their account details page. Using style properties, options, add-button panel, and user group permission you can customize and personalize the...
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