
  1. Kruzya

    Sometimes the day of week displays incorrectly for timezone settings

    Few notices: The default timezone for all users (include guests) on forum - GMT+3 (Moscow). I live in Izhevsk, where timezone - GMT+4 (Samara). On my PC in OS options, the timezone is GMT+4. On forum - GMT+3 (Moscow) for comfort performing moderator duties. Sometimes in different parts of the...
  2. Cupara

    XF 2.1 Converting UTC datetime to readable datetime

    I have this type of DateTime: This is in UTC and I need to convert it to: So far I have this in my template: {{ date(date_from_format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u\Z", '{$posts.created_at}'), '') }} How do I get this to convert and display properly? Right now it displays as Jan 1, 1970, and I'm not sure...
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