custom thread field

  1. S

    XF 2.3 Add link to custom thread fields

    Hello Team, I have created a custom thread field. Is it possible that we can create it as a TAG (clickable). Example : We have created field "Company" If any one enters the company name (example - Uber). The Uber acts as a TAG and a saparate URL will be created. example...
  2. Foxtrek_64

    XF 2.2 Template - Respect Custom Field Visibility

    Hi all, I'm using the following template code in the thread_list_macros template. The intent is that, in designated forums, certain tickets should show as either "unclaimed" or "claimed" with information on who has claimed it. <xf:if is="$thread.custom_fields.ticketOwner"> <div...
  3. DNF-SaS

    XF 2.2 Fill multi-value custom thread field using API

    Hi, can anybody give a cURL-example how to fill a multi-value custom thread field using the REST-API? A single value works, but when using multiple values, only the last one get stored. Thanks Sascha
  4. K

    Hiding reactions and collapsible custom thread fields

    There are two simple features that I would like to have on my forum. I'm willing to pay $10 for each. Hide message reactions from select user groups Collapsible custom thread fields (individually and/or all as a collection, maybe for select user groups even: whatever is technically reasonable...
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