custom code

  1. hibiskus

    Add-on Language Nodes (Request)

    Me and at least 58 registered people additionally would need a "Language Nodes"-Addon. Here is a fool explanation and you can work/ask with OP for further requirements/functions. I am willing to put 350€ on the table for custom code...
  2. charlesfoote13

    XF 2.0 Regarding custom coding

    Hello, I have a query regarding creating a new page. I want to create a custom page and what to use the database query to fetch the data from database
  3. zoldos

    Other adding simple invite code to system (XF 1.5.16a)

    The below code is kind of what I need. It works, but I can't seem to incorporate it, or something similar, into my 1.5.16a registration system. Basically, I just need to require new members input an "access code" somewhere during the signup process, and not allow them to continue unless it is...
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