
  1. Lukas W.

    XF 1.5 Error between uploading files and installing upgrade

    I've tried to update my local 1.4.10 Installation to 1.5.0, but after copying the files and trying to head to the page, the following error is thrown: Failed to get controller response and reroute to error handler (XenForo_ControllerPublic_Index::actionindex) An exception occurred: Undefined...
  2. Scharesoft

    How to get the current route in actionIndex of ControllerPublic?

    I'm creating an addon for our forum and there I need the current route. I created a new area with the url "tes". There will be sub areas like tes/skyrim or tes/oblivion. Now I need this route (skyrim or oblivion) in my actionIndex of the ControllerPublic php file. Route/Prefix file: class...
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