better logout

  1. GameNet

    [NICK97] Better Logout - XF2 2.2.4

    This addon was developer by XenMax. This addon lets users can logout all devices with new features and options for users to have a choice. Key feature: Ability to logout device more then one of the time or all Ability to set default logout option in users preferences Ability to logout other...
  2. GameNet

    Can someone upgrade all 4 of these add-ons to work for Xenforo 2.0? And adding some new Feature willing to pay $50.00 in canada

    Can someone upgrade either 4 of these add-ons to work for Xenforo 2.0? Can someone upgrade either one or both of these add-ons to work for Xenforo 2.0 and adding some new feature to [bd] paygates and [TH] Resources Icon - [TH] Resources Icon - [bd] paygates - Better Logout - ******* Attachment...
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