
  1. nocte

    Beta Article Management System ("AMS") Links Auto-Updater 1.0.0 Beta

    This is a sub-add-on for Article Management System ("AMS") by @Bob. Without that add-on it won't do anything (and cannot be installed). It was tested with AMS version 2.2.31, so this is the minimum requirement (tough it may work with older versions as well, but you would have to edit the...
  2. Old Nick

    AMS : Article Management System - FRENCH translation [Deleted]

    nicodak submitted a new resource: AMS : Article Management System - FRENCH translation - A french translation of the AMS : Article Management System from Bob Read more about this resource...
  3. mcatze

    Unmaintained German translation for XenAddons AMS 2.2.9

    This is the german translation Deutsch (Du) for the Article Management System (AMS) add-on by @Bob Feel free to report issues or suggestions.
  4. Miacommunity

    Add-on [Paid] Upgrade of two Bob's add-ons

    I need a coder for an upgrade of these plugin. Article Management System and Ultimate Blog's system to xenforo 2.
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