I am searching for part of a username and copying the returned list to a select field just as example and am getting error 400 Bad Request on ajax call. Did not find any clear solution on old threads. Can someone help me to solve that?
function search() {
var user =...
I installed Ajax chat to my site and am getting this error when clicking the home page. I’m not sure why.
[Edit] For some reason I have a home page option now after installing the xenporta add-on. The issue was with the layout editor. I have the chat align to the left and it was giving me this...
A simple but poweful tool for xF2.2!
This addon allows you to make your board more interactive.
An AJAX call is checking every x seconds (specified by admin) and auto-refreshes both notifications counter on your page (alerts and new conversation messages). :)
Compatible with xF2.0 / xF2.1 /...
Add-on features:
Easy development of tab handlers for any kind of record
Link pin purchase
Ability to add paid attributes
All links are moderated before purchase
Thread pin purchase
Ability to add paid attributes
A user can customize each tab for themselves
Buzz of new users and...
Is it possible to use these type of custom fields?
I want to have an input text field just like in tag search (example) as a custom field.
I can see it uses <xf:tokeninput /> tags in templates and actionTagAutoComplete action in misc controller responses with the data
Hello, i want to make an ajax call from my template in module.
I have created custom page in settings this way:
<option option_id="myPage" edit_format="callback" data_type="array" can_backup="1">
class myClass {...
This addon gives users the ability to hide their content using BBCode.
This addon requires version 2.1 of XenForo
Six different BBCode to Hide Contents.
UserGroup permissions
[HIDE]This tag is associated with [HIDEREPLY] for the moment.
I have a basic entity Add\Edit admin template with simple form in it:
<xf:form action="{{ link('phpc-criteria/save', $criterion) }}" ajax="true" class="block">
<div class="block-container">
I have a page with the button "Add dependency" and hidden input field.
<xf:button href="{{ link('UP/trophies/addDependency', $trophy) }}" class="button--add" icon="add" overlay="true">{{ phrase('UP_add_dependency') }}</xf:button>
<input name="page_dependencyValue" type="hidden" value="">
This is really the worst forum to post this in - I know, but it's the only one I can post in since I just signed up. So forgive me ^^
I stumbeled over the following thread: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/reloading-animation.9270/
when looking for a solution to the pesky reload animation...
[Shinka] AJAX Paging
Replaces pagination links with AJAX calls.
Download the latest stable release
Extract the zip
Copy the contents of the upload folder to the root of your Xenforo installation
Install and activate the add-on in your Admin CP
Changing pages (e.g...
I am using AJAX on my site and it's working. Whenever you click a link, the site loads with the new content. The new content, however, isn't the full content and only partial. The new content doesn't include the header or breadcrumbs. Here is my code:
//* @param {jQuery} $ jQuery Object */...