
  1. CMTV

    Fixed Unusable action bar in member_view/tooltip

    Both member_view and member_tooltip tempaltes have memberHeader-actionTop and memberTooltip-headerAction bars that contains "Moderator tools" button by default. The problem is that there is no adequate way to add custom buttons in those bars without completely rewriting the whole bar! So my...
  2. CMTV

    XF 2.0 Show message and then redirect

    I have added a custom button to account_detais template: <xf:button overlay="true" href="{{ link('account/reloadSkinHead') }}" class="button--link">{{ phrase('minecraftskins_account_reload_skin') }}</xf:button> In reloadSkinHead action I want to display message that skin reload is complete and...
  3. Kintaro

    Add-on Automation Rules

    I saw it on IPB marketplace: I think it's very useful for mod/admin actions and to create automated nodes and thread games.
  4. rafass

    Lack of interest A better way to select more images / apply actions.

    if you want to select many images to apply some actions, that process require a lot of clicks: Would be great just click & drag. like:
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