1. R

    Fixed thread 404 when post deleted

    Thread URLs with invalid page-xx are gracefully redirected to the last page: E.g. https://xenforo.com/community/threads/seo-seo2-paid.141984/page-99 However, thread URLS with invalid post-xx get a 404: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/seo-seo2-paid.141984/post-9999999 (e.g. if someone...
  2. thumped

    Fixed Incorrect link in "Please update your email" notice

    not a show-stopper, but: 1. This notice links to a nonexistent page: i.e. https://xenforo.com/community/account/contact-details instead of https://xenforo.com/community/account/account-details 2. The email address in question appears to be receiving mail from other senders without any...
  3. X

    Lack of interest Option to 410 Deleted Content

    Server status of 410 on a deleted thread makes the most sense for forum owners, and for optimal SEO. I have learned from experience that if you leave a 404, that page can sit in googles index for months, if not years. Google defines 404 pages as "missing", which means they will keep it in...
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