Register email

Register email 4.1

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Register email v3.1 changes:

Removed no longer used PHP code.
Register email v3.0 changes:

Now using finder for performing database queries. Now supports both Single-line text box and Multi-line text box. Updated template code for more uniform look.
Register email v2.9 changes:

Updated email template to use horizontal line separators.
Register email v2.8 changes:

Fixed issue dealing with manually creating a new user and creating a server error log.
Register email v2.7 changes:

Now works with XF v2.0 and v2.1.
Register email v2.6 changes:

Requires XF v2.1 or newer.
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Reactions: 51463
Register email v2.5 changes:

The registration username is now shown first.
Register email v2.4 changes:

Now runs only by Cron entry every 10 minutes. I suggest uninstalling any previous version and deleting the Andy/RegisterEmail folder before installing this latest version.

Be sure to update the Options page with your access key from
Register email v2.3 changes:

1) Fixed issue dealing with IP address and location in the email.
2) Fixed issue dealing with new member link.
Register email v2.2 changes:

Added ability to send emails to staff even if "Enable manual approval" is disabled.
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