[OzzModz] Badges

[OzzModz] Badges 2.3.6

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Reviews 4.94 star(s) 17 reviews

Really simple to use. Easy to upload.
One star off because the order and stacking is an absolute nightmare to get working.
This add-on is awesome! Lots of cool features, and it provides a cool way to distinguish members. It has lots of different criteria that can be used, and a variety of icon options which are used as the badges. I custom downloaded mine as PNG files. Thanks!
Without a doubt, this is one of the best free add-ons out there. It extends the gamification of the forum and offers new possibilities to reward users and make the forum more fun. Thank you for this add-on and I hope it can always evolve!
Absolutely wonderful. The customization options are also really great. Thanks for the work that you do!
How is this not a paid addon? :O
A must have honestly. My only request would be to have an option to have it linked to the XenForo trophy system.
Just started using this add-on and I friggin love it. This is something you would expect from a paid add-on. Very well done and adds an even deeper dimension to how you can engage, reward and build stickiness with your site's users. Ozzy continues to be a force for the XF community and I am thankful for it.
Works excellent, great addition to our forum: https://admin-junkies.com/help/ozzmodz_badges/

Easy to install and setup. No Server errors.
Easy to install and get to grips with and a good way to build traction and engagement within your forum community
Amazing add-on that is what you make of it on your website. Love the work that has been put into it. Great stuff!
Wow! This gives the users some motivation to be active on the site. Also Gives the staff members a reason to be active on the site lol. Just an amazing add-on that helps out alot. Thank you!
Great addon, highly recommend this to anyone considering purchasing it. Customer support is great and it works.
Super quality addon with excellent features to provide your community with a nice badge system. You can award users badges based on lots of different criteria. A huge upgrade compared to the lacking XF default trophy system.
Easy install, works well. Fast, lightweight, self explanatory. Was going to buy a different add-on but this one works so I'll just donate to OzzModz.
Thank you for taking over this addon; great work, keep it up! Upgrade process from our old revision to yours worked flawlessly
This is a great resource. I love how I can use any image I want for the badges. Very happy to pay a nominal yearly fee for your resources. Thank you so much.
An amazing badge system being maintained by a dedicated dev. If you'd like to have something a little more visually stimulating than the default trophy system, this is the way to go. Highly recommended to check out this great addon, especially while it's free! I would gladly pay.
Another version of the best award system for xenforo (and it's still free!). I strongly recommend to try it out.
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