Nerva Dark

Nerva Dark 2.2.13

No permission to buy ($25.00)
Nerva Dark
  • Upgraded to xenForo 2.1.4
  • Working with XF 2.1.4
  • Changed version to fit XF release number
Nerva Dark

With this update we updated the plugin that came with the theme with an emphasis on the problems reported by customers.

Please update the plugin. New add-on version 1.0.7
  • The plugin that came with the theme has been updated.
  • Old templates adapted with the new version.
  • Some minor edits
With this update, we have made some new improvements as well as many bug fixes by focusing on the problems reported by the customers.
  • Added social link icons to the breadcrumb field.
  • The missing social link icons are complete.
  • Updated the PAGE_CONTAINER template.
  • Old templates adapted with the new version.
  • Fixed an inability to click links on iPhone and iPad devices.
  • Some minor edits
Finally XenForo 2.1.0 released stable version. With the release of the stable version, we are pleased to offer our valued customers a quick update to our themes.

As always, before upgrading
Backup your current styles before importing the new version.

Here you can find installation and upgrade instructions for the styles of XenForo 2.x.

XenMake Style Installation

XenMake Style update

  • Upgraded for XenForo 2.1.0 Release
  • Merged outdated templates caused by XenForo update
  • Icons have been added to all links in Canvas menu.
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