illuminate ☀️

illuminate ☀️ 2.2.15

No permission to buy ($30.00)

Reviews 4.33 star(s) 4 reviews

Lovely theme. Easily modified and top notch quality. Using it on

I bought the theme like 4 years ago and renewed my license today to add on a new forum.
That's awesome Aerodynamic, I hope your members enjoy it. Thanks for being such a long time customer! :)
What can I say, Ehren's support and quality of styles is top notch. He's one of the most popular ones on Invision, and I'm glad he has found his way to the xenforo market. We are currently using Illuminate at as our Light style with some minor modifications. Regardless of the question or request, I've made. The quality I've come to expect from this designer on other platforms is present here and then some. Give him a chance, you won't regret it.

His styles have a certain simplicity and lack of bloat while just having the perfect amount of features that other designers should follow.

My only wish was that there was a Illuminate dark style for sale.
What a solid review - thanks for the feedback! I always aim to reduce bloat and clutter whenever possible so I'm glad you're a fan of that approach too!
We use this theme on Dynamik. We all love it and the flexibility is great. Also we've wanted to change a little thing to the style and with fast support from Ehren on his Support forum we managed to do it very quickly !
Happy to have helped! I'm glad you're enjoying the theme, thanks for the feedback :)
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