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Oh, and a related question... How does my 'voice' sound to you normally? When you read my stuff.. What do you hear? What's my voice sound like?
You seem a bit more mature than usual, to be perfectly honest. Not necessarily a good or bad thing, just what I've observed. You're using a larger vocabulary than usual, and seem to be dealing with serious topics more easily.
Define 'mature'.

Serious topics? Like what? Anything in particular that you can name?
I like to think that I'm more likely to chuckle than I am to giggle. I like certain types of humor more at the moment, and I feel.. Odd. Somewhat detached.
Normally? I don't know... Kind of like Jennifer Lawrence, if I had to put a voice to it. But... A bit more high pitched and feminine sounding.

I suppose I need to counter, and ask what you 'hear' when I post stuff.
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Serious. Less joking or silly.

Um... It's kind of a feeling, rather than anything based in fact, so coming up with specific examples is kind of difficult.

Is this a consistent issue, or just something you're feeling tonight? I assume the latter, because of your original post up above, but I still need to ask.
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I had to look up Jennifer Lawrence.. and I agree. You're good. Very good.

Pre-Op or Post-Op? I kid... Uhm... Normally? You sound something like... Deep voice, for a woman. Dark sort of tone. But also sounding like you can 'see' a little smirk, if that makes any sense.
I'm plenty silly... Uhm... Rawr? That's silly. Oogah boogah.

What does it feel like? Do I sound at all sarcastic? Or amused? Sometimes I wonder if my moods aren't some sort of proto-personalities trying to break out.

It happens from time to time. I feel more assertive and... Adult. If that makes any sense. A personality that is much closer to my father's than I am comfortable with.
I feel less 'feminine' tonight... If that makes sense. Or maybe I'm confusing femininity with something else. What do you think? Do I seem less 'Amy' tonight?
I'll take that as a compliment. Glad to know that you approve.

Huh... I'm having a hard time picturing exactly what that means, but the description sounds about right.
Do I occasionally sound a bit condescending too?
It's less approval and more agreement.

... Not as far as I can recall. You sound irritated or stressed at times but I don't feel like you're being condescending ever. I think.
It's silly, but not in the way that you usually are. More in the sense that watching an overly serious person try and fail to be silly is.

Kind of analytical and straitlaced, really. I wouldn't term it as sarcastic or amused.

It's said that all men become their fathers in time... But I hope that doesn't happen to you. I mean, hearing from a mature Alex is nice on occasion... But I like you as you are.
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You do, yeah. Although, that's not really a femininity thing. I mean, I don't consider it one. You don't sound like Amy because Amy is a fluffy and cuddly and silly.

Ah. Is there a practical difference though?

Um... Yeah? I don't know what that sounds like, really. Or if it's a good thing.
Irritated and stressed definitely slip in at times. I try not to let it show though.
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So I'm a sourpuss. Get off my lawn... *Waves cane* My gnomes need a good watering. *Hobbles over*

Straitlaced? Really? Well...Jeeze, I must seem supremely unfun compared to normal then.

My father, while not the best, hasn't had the best life. He's... He didn't have to come back.
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