XenForo community

Daniel Hood
Daniel Hood
Didn't think anyone paid that close of attention to me. I went invisible when my chrome extension forced me to be online 24/7. Didn't want people to get the wrong idea. Forgot to be visible again, will fix that now. Thanks =P
I guess I'm like a stalker, but the good type, not the creepy OMG type. LOL

On KH-Vids, I used to get on people's nerves a lot about it before I changed. I'm not much of a "stalker" anymore.

If you want some good laughs, check out this thread from me where I sort of caused an uproar. =P

Daniel Hood
Daniel Hood
Welp. This just got weird... jk. What's up though?
I'm doing good. You know, the surfin' the Internet and stuffs. You?

Interesting how we're not too far apart in terms of age.
Daniel Hood
Daniel Hood
Working on XenReviews, being stalked..... The usual.
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