REST API endpoints (2.2)

This document assumes you have already created an API key and setup the necessary headers for your request. Learn more about using the API.











Profile posts

Search forums















GET alerts/
Gets the API user's list of alerts


Input Type Description
page integer  
cutoff integer Unix timestamp of oldest alert to include. Note that unread or unviewed alerts are always included.
unviewed bool If true, gets only unviewed alerts. Unviewed alerts have not been seen (in the standard UI).
unread bool If true, gets only unread alerts. Unread alerts may have been seen but the content they relate to has not been viewed.


Output Type Description
alerts UserAlert[]  
pagination pagination  

POST alerts/
Sends an alert to the specified user. Only available to super user keys.


Input Type Description
to_user_id integer Required ID of the user to receive the alert
alert string Required Text of the alert. May use the placeholder "{link}" to have the link automatically inserted.
from_user_id integer If provided, the user to send the alert from. Otherwise, uses the current API user. May be 0 for an anonymous alert.
link_url string URL user will be taken to when the alert is clicked.
link_title string Text of the link URL that will be displayed. If no placeholder is present in the alert, will be automatically appended.


Output Type Description
success true  

POST alerts/mark-all
Marks all of the API user's alerts as read or viewed. Must specify "read" or "viewed" parameters.


Input Type Description
read bool If specified, marks all alerts as read.
viewed bool If specified, marks all alerts as viewed. This will remove the alert counter but keep unactioned alerts highlighted.


Output Type Description
success true  

GET alerts/{id}/
Gets information about the specified alert


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
alert UserAlert  

POST alerts/{id}/mark
Marks the alert as viewed/read/unread. (Marking as unviewed is not supported.)


Input Type Description
read bool If specified, marks the alert as read.
unread bool If specified, marks the alert as unread.
viewed bool If specified, marks all alerts as viewed.


Output Type Description
success true  

GET attachments/
Gets the attachments associated with the provided API attachment key. Only returns attachments that have not been associated with content.


Input Type Description
key string Required The API attachment key


Output Type Description
attachments Attachment[] List of matching attachments.

POST attachments/
Uploads an attachment. An API attachment key must be created first. Must be submitted using multipart/form-data encoding.


Input Type Description
key string Required The API attachment key to associated with
attachment file Required The attachment file


Output Type Description
attachment Attachment The attachment record of the successful upload


Error key Description
attachment_key_user_wrong Triggered if the user making the request does not match the user that created the attachment key.

POST attachments/new-key
Creates a new attachment key, allowing attachments to be uploaded separately from the related content.


Input Type Description
type string Required The content type of the attachment. Default types include post, conversation_message. Add-ons may add more.
context string[] Key-value pairs representing the context of the attachment. This will vary depending on content type and the action being taken. See relevant actions for further details.
attachment file The first attachment to be associated with the new key.


Output Type Description
key string The attachment key created. This should be used to upload additional files or to associate uploaded attachments with other content.
attachment Attachment If a file was provided and the upload was successful, this will describe the new attachment.

GET attachments/{id}/
Gets information about the specified attachment.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
attachment Attachment  

DELETE attachments/{id}/
Delete's the specified attachment.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
success true  

GET attachments/{id}/data
Gets the data that makes up the specified attachment. The output is the raw binary data.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
data binary The binary data is output directly, not JSON.

GET attachments/{id}/thumbnail
Gets the URL to the attachment's thumbnail, if it has one. URL returned via a 301 redirect.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
url string The URL to the thumbnail is returned via a 301 redirect's Location header.


Error key Description
not_found Not found if the attachment does not have a thumbnail

POST auth/
Tests a login and password for validity. Only available to super user keys. We strongly recommend the login and password parameters are passed into the request body rather than the query string.


Input Type Description
login string Required The username or email address of the user to test
password string Required The password of the user
limit_ip string The IP that should be considered to be making the request. If provided, this will be used to prevent brute force attempts.


Output Type Description
user User If successful, the user record of the matching user

POST auth/from-session
Looks up the active XenForo user based on session ID or remember cookie value. This can be used to help with seamless SSO with XF, assuming the session or remember cookies are available to your page. At least one of session_id and remember_cookie must be provided. Only available to super user keys.


Input Type Description
session_id string If provided, checks for an active session with that ID.
remember_cookie string If provided, checks to see if this is an active "remember me" cookie value.


Output Type Description
success bool If false, no session or remember cookie could be found
user User If successful, the user record of the matching user. May be a guest.

POST auth/login-token
Generates a token that can automatically log into a specific XenForo user when the login URL is visited. If the visitor is already logged into a XenForo account, they will not be logged into the specified account. Only available to super user keys.


Input Type Description
user_id integer Required
limit_ip string If provided, locks the token to the specified IP for additional security
return_url string If provided, after logging the user will be returned to this URL. Otherwise they'll go to the XenForo index.
force bool If provided, the login URL will forcibly replace the currently logged in user if a user is already logged in and different to the currently logged in user. Defaults to false.
remember bool Controls whether the a "remember me" cookie will be set when the user logs in. Defaults to true.


Output Type Description
login_token string  
login_url string Direct user to this URL to trigger a login
expiry_date integer Unix timestamp of when the token expires. An error will be displayed if the token is expired or invalid

POST conversation-messages/
Replies to a conversation


Input Type Description
conversation_id integer Required
message string Required
attachment_key string API attachment key to upload files. Attachment key content type must be conversation_message with context[conversation_id] set to this conversation ID.


Output Type Description
success true  
message ConversationMessage The newly inserted message

GET conversation-messages/{id}/
Gets the specified conversation message.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
message ConversationMessage  

POST conversation-messages/{id}/
Updates the specified conversation message.


Input Type Description
message string The new message content
attachment_key string API attachment key to upload files. Attachment key content type must be conversation_message with context[message_id] set to this message ID.


Output Type Description
success true  
message ConversationMessage  

POST conversation-messages/{id}/react
Reacts to the specified conversation message


Input Type Description
reaction_id integer Required ID of the reaction to use. Use the current reaction ID to undo.


Output Type Description
success true  
action string "insert" or "delete" based on whether the reaction was added or removed.

GET conversations/
Gets the API user's list of conversations.


Input Type Description
page integer  
starter_id integer  
receiver_id integer  
starred bool Only gets starred conversations if specified
unread bool Only gets unread conversations if specified


Output Type Description
conversations Conversation[]  
pagination pagination  

POST conversations/
Creates a conversation


Input Type Description
recipient_ids integer[] Required List of user IDs to send the conversation to
title string Required Conversation title
message string Required Conversation message body
attachment_key string API attachment key to upload files. Attachment key content type must be conversation_message with no context.
conversation_open bool If false, no replies may be made to this conversation.
open_invite bool If true, any member of the conversation may add others


Output Type Description
success true  
conversation Conversation  

GET conversations/{id}/
Gets information about the specified conversation.


Input Type Description
with_messages bool If specified, the response will include a page of messages.
page integer The page of messages to include


Output Type Description
conversation Conversation  
messages ConversationMessage[] List of messages on the requested page
pagination pagination Pagination details

POST conversations/{id}/
Updates the specified conversation


Input Type Description
title string Conversation title
open_invite bool If true, any member of the conversation can add others
conversation_open bool If false, no further replies are allowed.


Output Type Description
success true  
conversation Conversation  

DELETE conversations/{id}/
Deletes the specified conversation from the API user's list. Does not delete the conversation for other receivers.


Input Type Description
ignore bool If true, further replies to this conversation will be ignored. (Otherwise, replies will restore this conversation to the list.)


Output Type Description
success true  

POST conversations/{id}/invite
Invites the specified users to this conversation.


Input Type Description
recipient_ids integer[] Required List of user IDs to invite


Output Type Description
success true  

POST conversations/{id}/mark-read
Marks the conversation as read up until the specified time. This cannot move the


Input Type Description
date integer Unix timestamp to mark the conversation read to. If not specified, defaults to the current time.


Output Type Description
success true  

POST conversations/{id}/mark-unread
Marks a conversation as unread. This will mark all messages in the conversation as unread.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
success true  

GET conversations/{id}/messages
Gets a page of messages in the specified conversation.


Input Type Description
page integer  


Output Type Description
messages ConversationMessage[] List of messages on the requested page
pagination pagination Pagination details

POST conversations/{id}/star
Sets the star status of the specified conversation


Input Type Description
star bool If provided, sets the star status as specified. If not provided, toggles the status.


Output Type Description
success true  

GET forums/{id}/
Gets information about the specified forum


Input Type Description
with_threads bool If true, gets a page of threads in this forum
page integer  
prefix_id integer Filters to only threads with the specified prefix.
starter_id integer Filters to only threads started by the specified user ID.
last_days integer Filters to threads that have had a reply in the last X days.
unread bool Filters to unread threads only. Ignored for guests.
thread_type string Filters to threads of the specified thread type.
order string Method of ordering: last_post_date, post_date. When in a specific forum context: title, reply_count, view_count, vote_score, first_post_reaction_score.
direction string Either "asc" or "desc" for ascending or descending. Applies only if an order is provided.


Output Type Description
forum Forum  
threads Thread[] Threads on this page
pagination pagination Pagination information
sticky Thread[] If on page 1, a list of sticky threads in this forum. Does not count towards the per page limit.

POST forums/{id}/mark-read
Marks the forum as read up until the specified time. This cannot mark a forum as unread or


Input Type Description
date integer Unix timestamp to mark the forum read to. If not specified, defaults to the current time.


Output Type Description
success true  

GET forums/{id}/threads
Gets a page of threads from the specified forum.


Input Type Description
page integer  
prefix_id integer Filters to only threads with the specified prefix.
starter_id integer Filters to only threads started by the specified user ID.
last_days integer Filters to threads that have had a reply in the last X days.
unread bool Filters to unread threads only. Ignored for guests.
thread_type string Filters to threads of the specified thread type.
order string Method of ordering: last_post_date, post_date. When in a specific forum context: title, reply_count, view_count, vote_score, first_post_reaction_score.
direction string Either "asc" or "desc" for ascending or descending. Applies only if an order is provided.


Output Type Description
threads Thread[] Threads on this page
pagination pagination Pagination information
sticky Thread[] If on page 1, a list of sticky threads in this forum. Does not count towards the per page limit.

GET index/
Gets general information about the site and the API


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
version_id integer XenForo version ID
site_title string Title of the site this API relates to
base_url string The base URL of the XenForo install this API relates to
api_url string The base API URL
key[type] string Type of the API key accessing the API (guest, user or super)
key[user_id] integer|null If a user key, the ID of the user the key is for; null otherwise
key[allow_all_scopes] bool If true, all scopes can be accessed
key[scopes] string[] A list of scopes this key can access (if not allowed to access all scopes)

GET me/
Gets information about the current API user


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
me User  

POST me/
Updates information about the current user


Input Type Description
option[creation_watch_state] string  
option[interaction_watch_state] string  
option[content_show_signature] bool  
option[email_on_conversation] bool  
option[push_on_conversation] bool  
option[receive_admin_email] bool  
option[show_dob_year] bool  
option[show_dob_date] bool  
profile[location] string  
profile[website] string  
profile[about] string  
profile[signature] string  
privacy[allow_view_profile] string  
privacy[allow_post_profile] string  
privacy[allow_receive_news_feed] string  
privacy[allow_send_personal_conversation] string  
privacy[allow_view_identities] string  
visible bool  
activity_visible bool  
timezone string  
custom_title string  
custom_fields[<name>] string  


Output Type Description
success true  

POST me/avatar
Updates the current user's avatar


Input Type Description
avatar file Required The uploaded new avatar


Output Type Description
success true  

DELETE me/avatar
Deletes the current user's avatar


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
success true  

POST me/email
Updates the current user's email address


Input Type Description
current_password string Required
email string Required


Output Type Description
success true  
confirmation_required bool True if email confirmation is required for this change

POST me/password
Updates the current user's password


Input Type Description
current_password string Required
new_password string Required


Output Type Description
success true  

GET nodes/
Gets the node tree.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
tree_map array A mapping that connects node parent IDs to a list of their child node IDs
nodes Node[] List of all nodes

POST nodes/
Creates a new node


Input Type Description
node[title] string Required
node[node_name] string  
node[description] string  
node[parent_node_id] integer Required
node[display_order] integer  
node[display_in_list] bool  
type_data array Type-specific node data. The available options will vary based on the node type involved.
node_type_id string Required


Output Type Description
node Node Information about the created node

GET nodes/flattened
Gets a flattened node tree. Traversing this will return a list of nodes in the expected order.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
nodes_flat array An array. Each entry contains keys of "node" and "depth"

GET nodes/{id}/
Gets information about the specified node


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
node Node  

POST nodes/{id}/
Updates the specified node


Input Type Description
node[title] string  
node[node_name] string  
node[description] string  
node[parent_node_id] integer  
node[display_order] integer  
node[display_in_list] bool  
type_data array Type-specific node data. The available options will vary based on the node type involved.


Output Type Description
node Node The updated node information

DELETE nodes/{id}/
Deletes the specified node


Input Type Description
delete_children bool If true, child nodes will be deleted. Otherwise, they will be connected to this node's parent.


Output Type Description
success true  

POST posts/
Adds a new reply to a thread.


Input Type Description
thread_id integer Required ID of the thread to reply to.
message string Required
attachment_key string API attachment key to upload files. Attachment key context type must be post with context[thread_id] set to this thread ID.


Output Type Description
success true  
post Post  

GET posts/{id}/
Gets information about the specified post


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
post Post  

POST posts/{id}/
Updates the specified post


Input Type Description
message string  
silent bool If true and permissions allow, this edit will not be updated with a "last edited" indication
clear_edit bool If true and permissions allow, any "last edited" indication will be removed. Requires "silent".
author_alert bool  
author_alert_reason string  
attachment_key string API attachment key to upload files. Attachment key context type must be post with context[post_id] set to this post ID.


Output Type Description
success true  
post Post  

DELETE posts/{id}/
Deletes the specified post. Default to soft deletion.


Input Type Description
hard_delete bool  
reason string  
author_alert bool  
author_alert_reason string  


Output Type Description
success true  

POST posts/{id}/mark-solution
Toggle the specified post as the solution to its containing thread. If a post is marked as a solution when another is already marked, the existing solution will be unmarked.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
true mixed Success
new_solution_post Post|null A post that was marked as the solution
old_solution_post Post|null A post that was un-marked as the solution

POST posts/{id}/react
Reacts to the specified post


Input Type Description
reaction_id integer Required ID of the reaction to use. Use the current reaction ID to undo.


Output Type Description
success true  
action string "insert" or "delete" based on whether the reaction was added or removed.

POST posts/{id}/vote
Votes on the specified post (if applicable)


Input Type Description
type string Required Type of vote, "up" or "down". Use the current type to undo.


Output Type Description
success true  
action string "insert" or "delete" based on whether the reaction was added or removed.

POST profile-post-comments/
Creates a new profile post comment.


Input Type Description
profile_post_id integer Required The ID of the profile post this comment will be attached to.
message string Required
attachment_key string API attachment key to upload files. Attachment key context type must be profile_post_comment with context[profile_post_id] set to this profile post ID.


Output Type Description
success true  
comment ProfilePostComment  

GET profile-post-comments/{id}/
Gets information about the specified profile post comment.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
comment ProfilePostComment  

POST profile-post-comments/{id}/
Updates the specified profile post comment.


Input Type Description
message string  
author_alert bool  
author_alert_reason string  
attachment_key string API attachment key to upload files. Attachment key context type must be profile_post_comment with context[profile_post_comment_id] set to this profile post comment ID.


Output Type Description
success true  
comment ProfilePostComment  

DELETE profile-post-comments/{id}/
Deletes the specified profile post comment. Default to soft deletion.


Input Type Description
hard_delete bool  
reason string  
author_alert bool  
author_alert_reason string  


Output Type Description
success true  

POST profile-post-comments/{id}/react
Reacts to the specified profile post comment


Input Type Description
reaction_id integer Required ID of the reaction to use. Use the current reaction ID to undo.


Output Type Description
success true  
action string "insert" or "delete" based on whether the reaction was added or removed.

POST profile-posts/
Creates a new profile post.


Input Type Description
user_id integer Required The ID of the user whose profile this will be posted on.
message string Required
attachment_key string API attachment key to upload files. Attachment key context type must be profile_post with context[profile_user_id] set to this user ID.


Output Type Description
success true  
profile_post ProfilePost  

GET profile-posts/{id}/
Gets information about the specified profile post.


Input Type Description
with_comments bool If specified, the response will include a page of comments.
page integer The page of comments to include
direction string Request a particular sort order for comments - default 'desc' (newest first) also allows 'asc' (oldest first)


Output Type Description
profile_post ProfilePost  
comments ProfilePostComment[] List of comments on the requested page
pagination pagination Pagination details

POST profile-posts/{id}/
Updates the specified profile post.


Input Type Description
message string  
author_alert bool  
author_alert_reason string  
attachment_key string API attachment key to upload files. Attachment key context type must be profile_post with context[profile_post_id] set to this profile post ID.


Output Type Description
success true  
profile_post ProfilePost  

DELETE profile-posts/{id}/
Deletes the specified profile post. Default to soft deletion.


Input Type Description
hard_delete bool  
reason string  
author_alert bool  
author_alert_reason string  


Output Type Description
success true  

GET profile-posts/{id}/comments
Gets a page of comments on the specified profile post.


Input Type Description
page integer  
direction string Request a particular sort order for comments - default 'desc' (newest first) also allows 'asc' (oldest first)


Output Type Description
comments ProfilePostComment[] List of comments on the requested page
pagination pagination Pagination details

POST profile-posts/{id}/react
Reacts to the specified profile post


Input Type Description
reaction_id integer Required ID of the reaction to use. Use the current reaction ID to undo.


Output Type Description
success true  
action string "insert" or "delete" based on whether the reaction was added or removed.

GET search-forums/{id}/
Gets information about the specified search forum


Input Type Description
with_threads bool If true, gets a page of threads in this search forum
page integer  


Output Type Description
search_forum SearchForum  
threads Thread[] Threads on this page. Note: this will always respect viewing user permissions regardless of whether the API is set to bypass permissions.
pagination pagination Pagination information
sticky Thread[] If on page 1, a list of sticky threads in this forum. Does not count towards the per page limit.

GET search-forums/{id}/threads
Gets a page of threads from the specified search forum.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
threads Thread[] Threads on this page. Note: this will always respect viewing user permissions regardless of whether the API is set to bypass permissions.
pagination pagination Pagination information
sticky Thread[] If on page 1, a list of sticky threads in this forum. Does not count towards the per page limit.

GET stats/
Gets site statistics and general activity information


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
totals[threads] integer  
totals[messages] integer  
totals[users] integer  
latest_user[user_id] integer  
latest_user[username] string  
latest_user[register_date] integer  
online[total] integer  
online[members] integer  
online[guests] integer  

GET threads/
Gets a list of threads


Input Type Description
page integer  
prefix_id integer Filters to only threads with the specified prefix.
starter_id integer Filters to only threads started by the specified user ID.
last_days integer Filters to threads that have had a reply in the last X days.
unread bool Filters to unread threads only. Ignored for guests.
thread_type string Filters to threads of the specified thread type.
order string Method of ordering: last_post_date, post_date. When in a specific forum context: title, reply_count, view_count, vote_score, first_post_reaction_score.
direction string Either "asc" or "desc" for ascending or descending. Applies only if an order is provided.


Output Type Description
threads Thread[]  
pagination pagination  

POST threads/
Creates a thread. Thread type data can be set using additional input specific to the target thread type.


Input Type Description
node_id integer Required ID of the forum to create the thread in.
title string Required Title of the thread.
message string Required Body of the first post in the thread.
discussion_type string The type of thread to create. Specific types may require additional input.
prefix_id integer ID of the prefix to apply to the thread. If not valid in the selected forum, will be ignored.
tags string[] Array of tag names to apply to the thread.
custom_fields[<name>] string Value to apply to the custom field with the specified name.
discussion_open bool  
sticky bool  
attachment_key string API attachment key to upload files. Attachment key context type must be post with context[node_id] set to the ID of the forum this is being posted in.


Output Type Description
success true  
thread Thread  


Error key Description
no_permission No permission error.

GET threads/{id}/
Gets information about the specified thread.


Input Type Description
with_posts bool If specified, the response will include a page of posts.
page integer The page of posts to include
with_first_post bool If specified, the response will contain the first post in the thread.
with_last_post bool If specified, the response will contain the last post in the thread.
order string Request a particular sort order for posts from the available options for the thread type


Output Type Description
thread Thread  
first_unread Post Conditionally returned If the thread is unread, information about the first unread post.
first_post Post Conditionally returned If requested, information about the first post in the thread.
last_post Post Conditionally returned If requested, information about the last post in the thread.
pinned_post Post Conditionally returned The pinned first post of the thread, if specified by the thread type.
highlighted_posts Post[] Conditionally returned A list of highlighted posts, if relevant to the thread type. The reason for highlighting depends on thread type.
posts Post[] List of posts on the requested page. Note that even if the first post is pinned, it will be included here.
pagination pagination Pagination details

POST threads/{id}/
Updates the specified thread


Input Type Description
prefix_id integer  
title string  
discussion_open bool  
sticky bool  
custom_fields[<name>] string  
add_tags array  
remove_tags array  


Output Type Description
success true  
thread Thread  

DELETE threads/{id}/
Deletes the specified thread. Default to soft deletion.


Input Type Description
hard_delete bool  
reason string  
starter_alert bool  
starter_alert_reason string  


Output Type Description
success true  

POST threads/{id}/change-type
Converts a thread to the specified type. Additional thread type data can be set using input specific to the new thread type.


Input Type Description
new_thread_type_id string Required


Output Type Description
success true  
thread Thread  

POST threads/{id}/mark-read
Marks the thread as read up until the specified time. This cannot mark a thread as unread or


Input Type Description
date integer Unix timestamp to mark the thread read to. If not specified, defaults to the current time.


Output Type Description
success true  

POST threads/{id}/move
Moves the specified thread to a different forum. Only simple title/prefix updates are supported at the same time


Input Type Description
target_node_id integer Required
prefix_id integer If set, will update the thread's prefix. Prefix must be valid in the target forum.
title string If set, updates the thread's title
notify_watchers bool If true, users watching the target forum will receive a notification as if this thread were created in the target forum
starter_alert bool If true, the thread starter will receive an alert notifying them of the move
starter_alert_reason bool The reason for the move to include with the thread starter alert


Output Type Description
success true  
thread Thread  

GET threads/{id}/posts
Gets a page of posts in the specified conversation.


Input Type Description
page integer  
order string Request a particular sort order for posts from the available options for the thread type


Output Type Description
pinned_post Post Conditionally returned The pinned first post of the thread, if specified by the thread type.
highlighted_posts Post[] Conditionally returned A list of highlighted posts, if relevant to the thread type. The reason for highlighting depends on thread type.
posts Post[] List of posts on the requested page. Note that even if the first post is pinned, it will be included here.
pagination pagination Pagination details

POST threads/{id}/vote
Votes on the specified thread (if applicable)


Input Type Description
type string Required Type of vote, "up" or "down". Use the current type to undo.


Output Type Description
success true  
action string "insert" or "delete" based on whether the reaction was added or removed.

GET users/
Gets a list of users (alphabetically)


Input Type Description
page integer  


Output Type Description
users User[]  
pagination pagination  

POST users/
Creates a user.


Input Type Description
option[creation_watch_state] string  
option[interaction_watch_state] string  
option[content_show_signature] bool  
option[email_on_conversation] bool  
option[push_on_conversation] bool  
option[receive_admin_email] bool  
option[show_dob_year] bool  
option[show_dob_date] bool  
profile[location] string  
profile[website] string  
profile[about] string  
profile[signature] string  
privacy[allow_view_profile] string  
privacy[allow_post_profile] string  
privacy[allow_receive_news_feed] string  
privacy[allow_send_personal_conversation] string  
privacy[allow_view_identities] string  
visible bool  
activity_visible bool  
timezone string  
custom_title string  
option[is_discouraged] bool  
username string  
email string  
user_group_id integer  
secondary_group_ids integer[]  
user_state string  
is_staff bool  
message_count integer  
reaction_score integer  
trophy_points integer  
username_change_visible bool If true and the username is changed, the change will be visible (shown in the public list of previous usernames).
password string  
dob[day] integer  
dob[month] integer  
dob[year] integer  
custom_fields[<name>] string  


Output Type Description
success true  
user User  

GET users/find-email
Finds users by their email. Only available to admin users (or when bypassing permissions).


Input Type Description
email string [required]


Output Type Description
user User|null The user that matched the given email exactly

GET users/find-name
Finds users by a prefix of their user name.


Input Type Description
username string [required]


Output Type Description
exact User|null The user that matched the given username exactly
recommendations User[] A list of users that match the prefix of the username (but not exactly)

GET users/{id}/
Gets information about the specified user.


Input Type Description
with_posts bool If specified, the response will include a page of profile posts.
page integer The page of comments to include


Output Type Description
user User  
profile_posts ProfilePost[] List of profile posts on the requested page
pagination pagination Pagination details

POST users/{id}/
Updates an existing user.


Input Type Description
option[creation_watch_state] string  
option[interaction_watch_state] string  
option[content_show_signature] bool  
option[email_on_conversation] bool  
option[push_on_conversation] bool  
option[receive_admin_email] bool  
option[show_dob_year] bool  
option[show_dob_date] bool  
profile[location] string  
profile[website] string  
profile[about] string  
profile[signature] string  
privacy[allow_view_profile] string  
privacy[allow_post_profile] string  
privacy[allow_receive_news_feed] string  
privacy[allow_send_personal_conversation] string  
privacy[allow_view_identities] string  
visible bool  
activity_visible bool  
timezone string  
custom_title string  
option[is_discouraged] bool  
username string  
email string  
user_group_id integer  
secondary_group_ids integer[]  
user_state string  
is_staff bool  
message_count integer  
reaction_score integer  
trophy_points integer  
username_change_visible bool If true and the username is changed, the change will be visible (shown in the public list of previous usernames).
password string  
dob[day] integer  
dob[month] integer  
dob[year] integer  
custom_fields[<name>] string  


Output Type Description
success true  
user User  

DELETE users/{id}/
Deletes the specified user


Input Type Description
rename_to string If specified, the user will be renamed before deletion


Output Type Description
success true  

POST users/{id}/avatar
Updates the specified user's avatar


Input Type Description
avatar file Required The uploaded new avatar


Output Type Description
success true  

DELETE users/{id}/avatar
Deletes the specified user's avatar


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
success true  

GET users/{id}/profile-posts
Gets a page of profile posts on the specified user's profile.


Input Type Description
page integer  


Output Type Description
profile_posts ProfilePost[] List of profile posts on the requested page
pagination pagination Pagination details

GET media/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST media/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET media/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST media/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

DELETE media/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET media/{id}/comments


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET media/{id}/data


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST media/{id}/react


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET media-albums/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST media-albums/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET media-albums/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST media-albums/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

DELETE media-albums/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET media-albums/{id}/comments


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET media-albums/{id}/media


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST media-albums/{id}/react


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET media-categories/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST media-categories/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET media-categories/flattened


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET media-categories/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST media-categories/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

DELETE media-categories/{id}/
Deletes the specified category


Input Type Description
delete_children bool If true, child nodes will be deleted. Otherwise, they will be connected to this node's parent.


Output Type Description
success true  

GET media-categories/{id}/content
Gets a page of content from the specified category.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
albums XFMG_Album[] If an album category, albums on this page
media XFMG_Media[] If a media category, media on this page
pagination pagination Pagination information

GET media-comments/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST media-comments/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET media-comments/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST media-comments/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

DELETE media-comments/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST media-comments/{id}/react


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST oauth2/revoke
Revokes an access token or refresh token.


Input Type Description
client_id string Required
client_secret string Required
token string Required
token_type_hint string Defaults to 'access_token' but can be 'refresh_token' to revoke a refresh token.


Output Type Description

GET oauth2/token


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST oauth2/token


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET oembed/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET resource-categories/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST resource-categories/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET resource-categories/flattened


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET resource-categories/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST resource-categories/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

DELETE resource-categories/{id}/
Deletes the specified category


Input Type Description
delete_children bool If true, child nodes will be deleted. Otherwise, they will be connected to this node's parent.


Output Type Description
success true  

GET resource-categories/{id}/resources
Gets a page of resources from the specified category.


Input Type Description


Output Type Description
resources ResourceItem[] Resources on this page
pagination pagination Pagination information

GET resource-reviews/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST resource-reviews/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET resource-reviews/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

DELETE resource-reviews/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST resource-reviews/{id}/author-reply


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

DELETE resource-reviews/{id}/author-reply


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST resource-updates/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET resource-updates/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST resource-updates/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

DELETE resource-updates/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST resource-versions/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET resource-versions/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

DELETE resource-versions/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET resource-versions/{id}/download


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET resources/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST resources/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET resources/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

POST resources/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

DELETE resources/{id}/


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET resources/{id}/reviews


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET resources/{id}/updates


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

GET resources/{id}/versions


Input Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete


Output Type Description
Unknown, documentation incomplete

Data type: Attachment

Column Type Description
filename string  
file_size integer  
height integer  
width integer  
thumbnail_url string  
direct_url string  
is_video bool  
is_audio bool  
attachment_id integer  
content_type string  
content_id integer  
attach_date integer  
view_count integer  

Data type: Conversation

Column Type Description
username string Name of the user that started the conversation
recipients object Key-value pair of recipient user IDs and names
is_starred bool True if the viewing user starred the conversation
is_unread bool Conditionally returned If accessing as a user, true if this conversation is unread
can_edit bool  
can_reply bool  
can_invite bool  
can_upload_attachment bool  
view_url string  
conversation_id integer  
title string  
user_id integer  
start_date integer  
open_invite bool  
conversation_open bool  
reply_count integer  
recipient_count integer  
first_message_id integer  
last_message_date integer  
last_message_id integer  
last_message_user_id integer  
Starter User  

Data type: ConversationMessage

Column Type Description
username string  
is_unread bool Conditionally returned If accessing as a user, true if this conversation message is unread
message_parsed string HTML parsed version of the message contents.
can_edit bool  
can_react bool  
view_url string  
Conversation Conversation Conditionally returned If requested by context, the conversation this message is part of.
Attachments Attachment[] Conditionally returned If there are attachments to this message, a list of attachments.
is_reacted_to bool True if the viewing user has reacted to this content
visitor_reaction_id integer If the viewer reacted, the ID of the reaction they used
message_id integer  
conversation_id integer  
message_date integer  
user_id integer  
message string  
attach_count integer  
reaction_score integer  
User User  

Data type: Forum

Column Type Description
forum_type_id string  
allow_posting bool  
require_prefix bool  
min_tags integer  

Data type: LinkForum

Column Type Description
link_url string  
redirect_count integer  

Data type: Node

Column Type Description
breadcrumbs array A list of breadcrumbs for this node, including the node_id, title, and node_type_id
type_data object Data related to the specific node type this represents. Contents will vary significantly.
view_url string  
node_id integer  
title string  
node_name string  
description string  
node_type_id string  
parent_node_id integer  
display_order integer  
display_in_list bool  

Data type: Page

Column Type Description
publish_date integer  
view_count integer  

Data type: Poll

Column Type Description
can_vote bool  
has_voted bool  
responses array List of possible responses with text, vote count (if visible) and whether the API user has voted for each
poll_id integer  
question string  
voter_count integer  
public_votes bool  
max_votes integer  
close_date integer  
change_vote bool  
view_results_unvoted bool  

Data type: Post

Column Type Description
username string  
is_first_post bool  
is_last_post bool  
is_unread bool Conditionally returned If accessing as a user, true if this post is unread
message_parsed string HTML parsed version of the message contents.
can_edit bool  
can_soft_delete bool  
can_hard_delete bool  
can_react bool  
can_view_attachments bool  
view_url string  
Thread Thread Conditionally returned If requested by context, the thread this post is part of.
Attachments Attachment[] Conditionally returned Attachments to this post, if it has any.
is_reacted_to bool True if the viewing user has reacted to this content
visitor_reaction_id integer If the viewer reacted, the ID of the reaction they used
vote_score integer Conditionally returned The content's vote score (if supported)
can_content_vote bool Conditionally returned True if the viewing user can vote on this content
allowed_content_vote_types string[] Conditionally returned List of content vote types allowed on this content
is_content_voted bool Conditionally returned True if the viewing user has voted on this content
visitor_content_vote string Conditionally returned If the viewer reacted, the vote they case (up/down)
post_id integer  
thread_id integer  
user_id integer  
post_date integer  
message string  
message_state string  
attach_count integer  
warning_message string  
position integer  
last_edit_date integer  
reaction_score integer  
User User  

Data type: ProfilePost

Column Type Description
username string  
message_parsed string HTML parsed version of the message contents.
can_edit bool  
can_soft_delete bool  
can_hard_delete bool  
can_react bool  
can_view_attachments bool  
view_url string  
ProfileUser User Conditionally returned If requested by context, the user this profile post was left for.
Attachments Attachment[] Conditionally returned Attachments to this profile post, if it has any.
LatestComments ProfilePostComment[] Conditionally returned If requested, the most recent comments on this profile post.
is_reacted_to bool True if the viewing user has reacted to this content
visitor_reaction_id integer If the viewer reacted, the ID of the reaction they used
profile_post_id integer  
profile_user_id integer  
user_id integer  
post_date integer  
message string  
message_state string  
warning_message string  
comment_count integer  
first_comment_date integer  
last_comment_date integer  
reaction_score integer  
User User  

Data type: ProfilePostComment

Column Type Description
username string  
message_parsed string HTML parsed version of the message contents.
can_edit bool  
can_soft_delete bool  
can_hard_delete bool  
can_react bool  
can_view_attachments bool  
Attachments Attachment[] Conditionally returned Attachments to this profile post, if it has any.
ProfilePost ProfilePost Conditionally returned If requested by context, the profile post this comment relates to.
is_reacted_to bool True if the viewing user has reacted to this content
visitor_reaction_id integer If the viewer reacted, the ID of the reaction they used
profile_post_comment_id integer  
profile_post_id integer  
user_id integer  
comment_date integer  
message string  
message_state string  
warning_message string  
reaction_score integer  
User User  

Data type: Thread

Column Type Description
username string  
is_watching bool Conditionally returned If accessing as a user, true if they are watching this thread
visitor_post_count integer Conditionally returned If accessing as a user, the number of posts they have made in this thread
is_unread bool Conditionally returned If accessing as a user, true if this thread is unread
custom_fields object Key-value pairs of custom field values for this thread
tags array  
prefix string Conditionally returned Present if this thread has a prefix. Printable name of the prefix.
can_edit bool  
can_edit_tags bool  
can_reply bool  
can_soft_delete bool  
can_hard_delete bool  
can_view_attachments bool  
view_url string  
is_first_post_pinned bool  
highlighted_post_ids array  
is_search_engine_indexable bool  
index_state string Returned only if permissions are met Present for members with permission to change the search index state of this thread.
Forum Node Conditionally returned If requested by context, the forum this thread was posted in.
vote_score integer Conditionally returned The content's vote score (if supported)
can_content_vote bool Conditionally returned True if the viewing user can vote on this content
allowed_content_vote_types string[] Conditionally returned List of content vote types allowed on this content
is_content_voted bool Conditionally returned True if the viewing user has voted on this content
visitor_content_vote string Conditionally returned If the viewer reacted, the vote they case (up/down)
thread_id integer  
node_id integer  
title string  
reply_count integer  
view_count integer  
user_id integer  
post_date integer  
sticky bool  
discussion_state string  
discussion_open bool  
discussion_type string  
first_post_id integer  
last_post_date integer  
last_post_id integer  
last_post_user_id integer  
last_post_username string  
first_post_reaction_score integer  
prefix_id integer  
User User  

Data type: ThreadField

Column Type Description
field_id string  
title string  
description string  
display_order integer  
field_type string  
field_choices object Conditionally returned For choice types, an ordered list of choices, with "option" and "name" keys for each.
match_type string  
match_params array  
max_length integer  
required bool  
display_group string Conditionally returned If this field type supports grouping, the group this field belongs to.

Data type: ThreadPrefix

Column Type Description
prefix_id integer  
title string  
description string  
usage_help string  
is_usable bool True if the acting user can use (select) this prefix.
prefix_group_id integer  
display_order integer  
materialized_order integer Effective order, taking group ordering into account.

Data type: User
Information about the user. Different information will be included based on permissions and verbosity.

Column Type Description
about string Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
activity_visible bool Returned only if permissions are met
age integer Conditionally returned The user's current age. Only included if available.
alert_optout array Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
allow_post_profile string Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
allow_receive_news_feed string Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
allow_send_personal_conversation string Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
allow_view_identities string Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
allow_view_profile string Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
avatar_urls object Maps from size types to URL.
profile_banner_urls object Maps from size types to URL.
can_ban bool  
can_converse bool  
can_edit bool  
can_follow bool  
can_ignore bool  
can_post_profile bool  
can_view_profile bool  
can_view_profile_posts bool  
can_warn bool  
content_show_signature bool Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
creation_watch_state string Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
custom_fields object Returned only if permissions are met Map of custom field keys and values.
custom_title string Returned only if permissions are met Will have a value if a custom title has been specifically set; prefer user_title instead.
dob object Returned only if permissions are met Date of birth with year, month and day keys.
email string Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
email_on_conversation bool Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
gravatar string Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
interaction_watch_state bool Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
is_admin bool Returned only if permissions are met
is_banned bool Returned only if permissions are met
is_discouraged bool Returned only if permissions are met
is_followed bool Conditionally returned True if the visitor is following this user. Only included if visitor is not a guest.
is_ignored bool Conditionally returned True if the visitor is ignoring this user. Only included if visitor is not a guest.
is_moderator bool Returned only if permissions are met
is_super_admin bool Returned only if permissions are met
last_activity integer Returned only if permissions are met Unix timestamp of user's last activity, if available.
location string  
push_on_conversation bool Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
push_optout array Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
receive_admin_email bool Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
secondary_group_ids array Returned only if permissions are met
show_dob_date bool Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
show_dob_year bool Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
signature string  
timezone string Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
use_tfa bool Returned only if permissions are met Verbose results only
user_group_id integer Returned only if permissions are met
user_state string Returned only if permissions are met
user_title string  
visible bool Returned only if permissions are met
warning_points integer Returned only if permissions are met Current warning points.
website string Returned only if permissions are met
view_url string  
user_id integer  
username string  
message_count integer  
question_solution_count integer  
register_date integer  
trophy_points integer  
is_staff bool  
reaction_score integer  
vote_score integer  

Data type: UserField

Column Type Description
field_id string  
title string  
description string  
display_order integer  
field_type string  
field_choices object Conditionally returned For choice types, an ordered list of choices, with "option" and "name" keys for each.
match_type string  
match_params array  
max_length integer  
required bool  
display_group string Conditionally returned If this field type supports grouping, the group this field belongs to.

Data type: XFMG_Album

Column Type Description
album_id integer  
category_id integer  
title string  
description string  
create_date integer  
last_update_date integer  
view_privacy string  
add_privacy string  
album_state string  
user_id integer  
media_count integer  
view_count integer  
warning_message string  
last_comment_date integer  
last_comment_id integer  
last_comment_user_id integer  
last_comment_username string  
comment_count integer  
rating_count integer  
rating_avg float  
rating_weighted float  
reaction_score integer  
User User  

Data type: XFMG_Category

Column Type Description
category_id integer  
title string  
description string  
category_type string  
media_count integer  
album_count integer  
comment_count integer  
allowed_types array  
min_tags integer  
category_index_limit integer  
parent_category_id integer  
display_order integer  

Data type: XFMG_MediaField

Column Type Description
field_id string  
title string  
description string  
display_order integer  
field_type string  
field_choices object Conditionally returned For choice types, an ordered list of choices, with "option" and "name" keys for each.
match_type string  
match_params array  
max_length integer  
required bool  
display_group string Conditionally returned If this field type supports grouping, the group this field belongs to.

Data type: XFMG_MediaItem

Column Type Description
media_id integer  
title string  
description string  
media_date integer  
last_edit_date integer  
media_type string  
media_state string  
album_id integer  
album_state string  
category_id integer  
user_id integer  
view_count integer  
warning_message string  
last_comment_date integer  
last_comment_id integer  
last_comment_user_id integer  
last_comment_username string  
comment_count integer  
rating_count integer  
rating_avg float  
rating_weighted float  
reaction_score integer  
User User  

Data type: XFRM_Category

Column Type Description
resource_category_id integer  
title string  
description string  
resource_count integer  
last_update integer  
last_resource_title string  
last_resource_id integer  
allow_local bool  
allow_external bool  
allow_commercial_external bool  
allow_fileless bool  
min_tags integer  
enable_versioning bool  
enable_support_url bool  
parent_category_id integer  
display_order integer  

Data type: XFRM_ResourceField

Column Type Description
field_id string  
title string  
description string  
display_order integer  
field_type string  
field_choices object Conditionally returned For choice types, an ordered list of choices, with "option" and "name" keys for each.
match_type string  
match_params array  
max_length integer  
required bool  
display_group string Conditionally returned If this field type supports grouping, the group this field belongs to.

Data type: XFRM_ResourceItem

Column Type Description
resource_id integer  
title string  
tag_line string  
user_id integer  
resource_state string  
resource_type string  
resource_date integer  
resource_category_id integer  
external_url string  
price float  
currency string  
view_count integer  
download_count integer  
rating_count integer  
rating_avg float  
rating_weighted float  
last_update integer  
alt_support_url string  
prefix_id integer  
Category XFRM_Category  
User User  

Data type: XFRM_ResourcePrefix

Column Type Description
prefix_id integer  
title string  
description string  
usage_help string  
is_usable bool True if the acting user can use (select) this prefix.
prefix_group_id integer  
display_order integer  
materialized_order integer Effective order, taking group ordering into account.

Data type: XFRM_ResourceReviewField

Column Type Description
field_id string  
title string  
description string  
display_order integer  
field_type string  
field_choices object Conditionally returned For choice types, an ordered list of choices, with "option" and "name" keys for each.
match_type string  
match_params array  
max_length integer  
required bool  
display_group string Conditionally returned If this field type supports grouping, the group this field belongs to.

Data type: XFRM_ResourceVersion

Column Type Description
resource_version_id integer  
resource_id integer  
version_string string  
release_date integer  
download_count integer  
rating_count integer  
version_state string  
Top Bottom