Recent content by JoyFreak

  1. JoyFreak

    [JoyFreak] Open Graph Image

    JoyFreak updated [JoyFreak] Open Graph Image with a new update entry: XF 2.3 compatibility update Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. JoyFreak

    [JoyFreak] Open Graph Image - XF 2.3 compatibility update

    XF 2.3 compatibility update
  3. JoyFreak - Education Community

    I liked it how you had it before. Shame there isn't a toggle between both displays.
  4. JoyFreak

    XF 2.3 Cookie storage question

    It doesn't add the data-active-class to other div classes used in other parts of the template (using template modification) like it did prior to 2.3 i.e.: <div class="view-parent {{ !is_toggled('_jfne') ? 'show-cards' : '' }}"></div> Edit: It doesn't actually toggle without a refresh of the page.
  5. JoyFreak

    XF 2.3 Cookie storage question

    Not sure if the recent fix has fully fixed it: The above doesn't seem to work as expected.
  6. JoyFreak

    Fixed Cookie storage does not work

    I suppose this is a bug then as I am having the same issue here:
  7. JoyFreak

    XF 2.3 Cookie storage question

    Has something changed in 2.3 to stop the following code from working? Seems cookie storage is no longer working in 2.3 Example code: <span class="jfneTrigger is-active" data-xf-click="toggle" data-target=".view-parent" data-xf-init="toggle-storage"...
  8. JoyFreak

    XF 2.3 Javascript

    I thought I was going mad. That worked, thank you. So just to clarify, in 2.3 jQuery no longer works? Have to recode into the native JS code ?
  9. JoyFreak

    XF 2.3 Javascript

    It doesn't seem to work. It doesn't attach an event listener to the element <div class="js-wrapper">
  10. JoyFreak

    XF 2.3 Javascript

    Is the following correct when adding to a div class to call the above query? id="jf-wrapper"
  11. JoyFreak

    XF 2.3 Javascript

    I have the following in the template but it no longer works in 2.3. What is causing this to break? <xf:js> $(".jf-wrapper").on("click", function(event) { $(".jf-wrapper").addClass("is-active"); event.stopPropagation(); })...
  12. JoyFreak

    XF 2.3 Do attachment thumbnails not support webp?

    Yeah I tried that and found that both avatars and thumbnail attachments are showing as JPEG in the metadata.
  13. JoyFreak

    XF 2.3 Do attachment thumbnails not support webp?

    But I don’t see any reference that the file nor url or extension is webp for thumbnail attachments. Full attachments are fine and working as expected.
  14. JoyFreak

    XF 2.3 Do attachment thumbnails not support webp?

    For example, this here is the full attachment url: And this is the thumbnail url: Inspecting it in the console looks...
  15. JoyFreak

    XF 2.3 Do attachment thumbnails not support webp?

    I've noticed that attachment thumbnails do not support webp. Any reason why that is or will there be support for those too? Do I need to add this as a suggestion or could it be a bug?
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