Recent content by ŽivaAkcija

  1. ŽivaAkcija

    What are you listening to?

  2. ŽivaAkcija

    I wonder how the XenForo developers made this forum software

    That is dust in wind try, also baldrick says its cunning plan my lord!
  3. ŽivaAkcija

    What are you listening to?

  4. ŽivaAkcija

    A bunch of random presales questions

    Try with
  5. ŽivaAkcija


    There is Baldrick spirit among us
  6. ŽivaAkcija

    copyright delete

    this is appearance of baldrick and his cunning plan
  7. ŽivaAkcija

    Is this good UI design ? (example - content starts 11 areas down

    @Digital Doctor must say cunning plan “As cunning as a fox who’s just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University?” :ROFLMAO:
  8. ŽivaAkcija

    Next XF Version Release?

    they tray cunning plan on it own my lord
  9. ŽivaAkcija

    What are you listening to?

    cut it off my lord, and pain was gone.
  10. ŽivaAkcija

    XF 2.3 Image optimization, enhanced image resizing, and more!

    so far this is most cunning plan ever
  11. ŽivaAkcija

    What are you listening to?

  12. ŽivaAkcija

    Xenvid ~vs~ Socialiath

    another cunning plan
  13. ŽivaAkcija

    Customer area LIREALLY unusable!!!

    don"t worry its a cunning plan my lord
  14. ŽivaAkcija

    Customer area LIREALLY unusable!!!

    @DragonByte Tech cunning plan my lord
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