Recent content by zenBoi

  1. zenBoi

    Discord Integration [Paid]

    Does this have any trademarks in the plugin or are they already removed / never placed..?
  2. zenBoi

    Starting a forum, what all do I need?

    Made me laugh when I read that first part earlier, my bad, I've been hearing stories from other people too I think I was replying that part to Tracy's story. I'll PM you an idea I have. Edit: Would you like to hear it?..
  3. zenBoi

    Starting a forum, what all do I need?

    You sure are lucky! haha, well deserved I'm sure. Thank you @Tracy Perry and @sbj I will do some work on my forum and make a thread in the showcase section soon for more critique. So far what I'm hearing, I need to find someone with a good fanbase to kind promote my forum. I may plan to...
  4. zenBoi

    Starting a forum, what all do I need?

    Okay, I'll work on that tomorrow :)
  5. zenBoi

    Starting a forum, what all do I need?

    Hello, looking to consult on my ideas with starting this forum. I'm wanting to dive in and really get things going. So far I'm thinking I need some help with my SEO, graphics, some tune to the theme by the creator if they will. What else can you guys throw in here? I've always wanted to own...
  6. zenBoi

    Want to change hosting, have never moved a forum or uploaded a backup

    Btw, I've got an account on your forum, really good job man!
  7. zenBoi

    Want to change hosting, have never moved a forum or uploaded a backup

    Okay I just got a PM about that. Amazing, people I can trust too. Thanks!
  8. zenBoi

    Want to change hosting, have never moved a forum or uploaded a backup

    Can someone give me a guide on how I'm supposed to transfer my entire forum to a different server with cPanel.
  9. zenBoi

    XF 2.0 How to add google analytics

    Awesome! Thank you!
  10. zenBoi

    XF 2.0 How to add google analytics

    How do we know if the configuration is successful after we've saved the property id? There was some confusion on this "property id", apparently, it's also known as a tracking id and measurement id, just want to make sure it's working.
  11. zenBoi

    XF 2.2 How do I disable "Staff Online" widget and move the "Members Online" down?

    How do I disable "Staff Online" widget and move the "Members Online" down?
  12. zenBoi

    XF 2.2 Pre-typed title/subject for Contact Us page

    So, I've created this link so that members interested in advertising with me can click a link on the footer and have a prewritten title. /conversations/add?to=ADMIN&title=Advertisement%20Space%20Inquirey I tried to do the same for the Contact Us form (/misc/contact) and am unable to. I would...
  13. zenBoi

    XF 2.2 Header Node Icons?

    Wish I could edit my thread text to change the question... Figured I'd get this question out of the way since I'll likely need the answer eventually. Anyone know of a resource for these icons, or how to disable them?
  14. zenBoi

    XF 2.2 Header Node Icons?

    Never mind, it's just a notification alert: Sorry. - On a side note, I'd like to ask again if there is a known way to change the color, although I do think the red is good as is.
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