Recent content by Zaytri

  1. Zaytri

    [OzzModz] Remove Thread Prefix From Page Title

    Edit the xfrm_resource_view template and delete {{ prefix('resource', $resource, 'escaped') }}
  2. Zaytri

    Custom fields for replies.

    This would be extremely useful to have for Resource disussion threads! It'd be great to prompt the user for the version number of the resource they're using, or at least a way to fill in some sort of bug report template.
  3. Zaytri

    Profile Cover Photo / Banner Image Enhancements

    For anyone else wondering how to remove the gap when a user hasn't set a profile banner, just add this to extra.less .memberHeader { min-height: 0; }
  4. Zaytri

    XF 2.2 Is there a way to add an "Add Resource" button to a forum where resource threads are generated?

    Ended up just hardcoding conditionals like @Brogan suggested, I'll just have to remember to do this for every resource forum I add, with a fallback in case I add it to the array but forget to set the category ID. Thanks for your help! Added to forum_view template: <xf:pageaction...
  5. Zaytri

    XF 2.2 Is there a way to add an "Add Resource" button to a forum where resource threads are generated?

    Learned about {{ dump(vars()) }} which has helped a lot. Forums don't seem have a reference to resource categories (as far as I can tell), but resource categories do have a reference to their linked forums. If I could iterate through that I could probably figure out how to set this up nicely...
  6. Zaytri

    XF 2.2 Is there a way to add an "Add Resource" button to a forum where resource threads are generated?

    Got it to work with this, since using $__globals just gives null <xf:pageaction if="$xf.visitor.canAddResource() AND in_array($forum.node_id, [11,12])"> <xf:button href="{{ link('resources/add') }}" class="button--cta" icon="write" overlay="true">{{ phrase('xfrm_add_resource...')...
  7. Zaytri

    XF 2.2 Is there a way to add an "Add Resource" button to a forum where resource threads are generated?

    People who are going to be joining my forum won't have much experience with forums, and even less experience dealing with XenForo resources. I have some forums set up where users can't directly make threads in, but if they create a resource, then it will automatically generate a discussion...
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