Recent content by xXArmestakkerXx

  1. WhatsApp Image 2020-10-26 at 05.28.32.jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2020-10-26 at 05.28.32.jpeg

    Uranium glass
  2. xXArmestakkerXx

    Netherlands PS5 Forum / Dutch PS5 forum

    Thank you very much for the nice comments! As for the background. Our theme allows a user to select a different background. It's a lot of fun to play with those settings from within the ACP. A fixed background seemed the best to me personally. Otherwise you get backgrounds that repeat ... or...
  3. xXArmestakkerXx

    Netherlands PS5 Forum / Dutch PS5 forum

    Good morning! I would like to show my forum and have it rated. It is a hobby non-commercial forum. That's why I don't use Google AdSense The appearance aims to be clear, buttons must be easy to find and the colors must match the new playstation 5 console. I would like to hear good advice and...
  4. xXArmestakkerXx

    Custom forum meta description google

    Thanks a lot Javak!
  5. xXArmestakkerXx

    Custom forum meta description google

    Hi All, How can I add a custom meta description that will be indexed by google? I will be only for the forum index. Now it is getting the text from my guest message from the index and it is not very professional. I only want to make the title and the desc. custom for the index.
  6. xXArmestakkerXx

    Keep Facebookbot away from forum via .htaccess

    I changed my mind. I thought Fb bot was going to index my entire website to collect data, but that's not the case. It's just that when a link is shared from the forum Fb checks it. If I block that, I hurt my forum a lot while it is not necessary. check...
  7. xXArmestakkerXx

    Keep Facebookbot away from forum via .htaccess

    Hii Folks, How can I deny acces to the forum for Facebook bot via .htaccess? I use Xenforo 2.2.2 Greetings, xXArmestakkerXx
  8. xXArmestakkerXx

    XF 2.2 Wierd Ip adresses

    That explains a lot! Thank you!
  9. xXArmestakkerXx

    XF 2.2 Wierd Ip adresses

    Hi People, Sometimes I check who is online at my own forum. Now I see a weird IP addresses like this: 2a02:a44b:528d:0001:5dfc:79c7:4470:ea10 Does anyone know if this is normal or just a bug? Is send 2 pictures with it
  10. xXArmestakkerXx

    Change email Contact form

    Alright folks, Thanks a lot!
  11. xXArmestakkerXx

    Change email Contact form

    Hii all. Does anyone know where i can change the contact adress for my contact form? I added my personal email by mistake
  12. xXArmestakkerXx

    New profile banner!

    New profile banner!
  13. xXArmestakkerXx

    Is It Just Me Or Does The New FaceBook Look Now Look Like A Forum?

    Facebook Sucks. When i want to remove old messages and posts they dont do that. the buttons dont react at all. I removed my fb accound permanent because i want to do this. It worked very good. And as a lot of people. I do not miss it!
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