Recent content by WRE

  1. W

    XF 1.5 Send var from add-on to template

    Hmm i don't return responseView() Edit: Just in case, my goal is to send an array to my public variables, to use it in a custom sidebar in thread view Here is my code : <?php /* * Copy from Andy SimilarThreads */ class Wri_SimilarBlog_ControllerPublic_Thread extends...
  2. W

    XF 1.5 Send var from add-on to template

    Hi everybody, I tried to create an add-on (inspired by SimilarThreads from @AndyB. I needed to generate a list of similar blog post (WordPress). Everything work nice excepted one thing, i can't use my custom vars in my template. So, what i did : Create an add-on in ACP Create an event...
  3. W

    XF 1.5 Load XenForo outside without sent headers

    Thank you ! it seems to work. I suspected it was an option to pass but I could not find where :/ Thank you very much again !
  4. W

    XF 1.5 Load XenForo outside without sent headers

    Hi everybody, Firstly, i'm sorry, i'm not good enough in english. I will try to be easily understand. I'm a new user of XenForo. It will be installed in a subdirectory /forum/ On my homepage, there is a widget who list last public threads. This widget works. Before XenForo, i used phpbb, and...
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