Recent content by Wishingz

  1. W

    Escrow service for P2P use [Deleted]

    this isn't for bitcoin bro
  2. W

    Escrow service for P2P use [Deleted]

    do you have a copy of this still
  3. W

    XF 2.2 Permission Errors

    ErrorException: [E_WARNING] fopen(/home/[redacted]/public_html/internal_data/image_cache/0/ failed to open stream: Permission denied src/vendor/league/flysystem/src/Adapter/Local.php:180 Stack trace #0 [internal function]...
  4. W

    WBB - Tagged Colored Users

    Works for 2.2
  5. W

    XF 2.2 Any addon that makes @mentionable the colour of the usergroup?

    As the title says NVM found this in the archives burried, works for 2.2 You'd really think this is such an easy QOL feature that Xenforo would have it built in by default.
  6. W

    ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

    Awesome! And regarding chat history in rooms? Anyway to make it persietsnt or show the last X amount of messages?
  7. W

    ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

    Everything so far works great. Only issue I've now came across is that if you have the chat set to popup in the same window on mobile there is no way to minimise the chat window and there doesn't seem to be a a way to enable persistance chat history in rooms?
  8. W

    XF 2.2 How to remove stats from Membercards?

    How to remove eg "posts" or "reactions" from the member card at will? it isn't anywhere in still properties that I can see.
  9. W

    ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

    I purchased, so far everything works as intended. Spoke to soon it would seem. @ArrowSuites When disallowing certain usergroups from being able to access a chat room, if a user has 1 of those usergroups as as secondary, it also stops them accessing the chat room. E.G All members of my site...
  10. W

    ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

    But I can't test out a ton of functionality on the free version dude, thus I've no idea if the features will work as advertised/intended.
  11. W

    ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

    @ArrowSuites any chance of a discount for a version that has mobile support? Reading through here it seems a lot of users experienced a lot of issues and we don't have a lot of confidence investing $195 to get the desired functionality.
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