Recent content by Wanji

  1. Wanji

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

    We've arrived at the weekend. I'm waiting for the promised release, version 2.3.
  2. Wanji

    [XenConcept] Quiz Manager [Paid]

    This addon has serious bugs such as: 1. Categories Can't be deleted once you create one. When you try to delete a category it returns with this error No content was returned. Please try again later. 2. Category permission has this error...
  3. Wanji

    XF 2.3 XenForo 2.3 Beta 1 now available. What's next? What's new?

    When activating the Use full friendly URLs I get a 404 error (forum and thread). If I click on the account, I only see Loading...
  4. Wanji

    XF 2.3 / 3.0 release date

    Someone might be able to provide a list. Dark mode and style variants Extensive performance improvements Featured content Image optimization (WebP), client side image resizing and more Automation via webhooks Sign in with Apple, IndexNow, Full InnoDB and improved MySQL search Embed your content...
  5. Wanji

    s9e Media Sites

  6. Wanji

    s9e Media Sites

  7. Wanji

    s9e Media Sites
  8. Wanji

    Fake it till you make it – a take on fake users

    fake acc ❌ alter acc ✅ :)
  9. Wanji

    s9e Media Sites

    Can't embed H5P content.
  10. Wanji

    Quiz Master

    Could not process File does not appear to be a valid add-on archive as expected.
  11. Wanji

    [XenConcept] Quiz Manager [Paid]

    I found that unapproved users (awaiting email confirmation) can play the quiz. Shouldn't it not be possible? Sorry I saw it wrong 🙏
  12. Wanji

    New conversation manager [Paid]

    What if a member sends a message to admin + other member?
  13. Wanji

    [OzzModz] Show Thread Views On Mobile

    Can't this be done with CSS alone?
  14. Wanji

    [XenConcept] Quiz Manager [Paid]

    Server error log InvalidArgumentException: Accessed unknown getter 'message' on XenConcept\QuizManager:QuizItem[9] src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php:213 Generated by: Zaskia ramadhania Mar 13, 2024 at 3:33 PM Stack trace #0 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php(125): XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity->get('message') #1...
  15. Wanji

    [OzzModz] Granular Administrator Permissions

    I think I can do it as in Invision.
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