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    XF 2.1 vB 3.x Photoplog Import problem

    I see 3 way to perform import from Photoplog 1. Use XF 1.5.x and sonnb XenGallery. ... Finally upgrade to XF 2.xx But it's does not work on me at step 3 - import Photos. Sonnb doesn't answer in his official forum. 2. manually convert 2.1 export photoplog_* from vB DB 2.2 convert it to XFMG...

    MG 2.0 Moving albums to categories

    As I understood the only way to import PhotoPlog to XF 2.1 (CarpCharacin way) 1. install XF 1.5 and sonnb XenGallery 2. make import 3. convert XenGallery to XFMG 4. update XF to 2.1
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