Recent content by Votick

  1. Votick

    TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid]

    Any further update? Just we were promised one Saturday :(
  2. Votick

    TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid]

    The latest beta 7
  3. Votick

    TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid]

    OK great as my log is filling up xD
  4. Votick

    TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid]

    Any update? :/
  5. Votick

    TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid]

    Fixed, Changed that table from varchar25 to 64 - Works lovely mate
  6. Votick

    TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid]

    Anyway to change the name the server alerts are sent from? <11:34:22> "Server": TEST Tried looking through Phrases but couldnt find anything.
  7. Votick

    TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid]

    Ok buddy - Know when a fix for that issue will be issued? Hoping to get the whole guild using it before I hand out our new ts server info :)
  8. Votick

    TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid]

    OK mines now working but I can'tr use the connect to server button: Throws:: Mysqli statement execute error : Data too long for column 'auth_key' at row 1 Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297 Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at...
  9. Votick

    TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid]

    ErrorException: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected ')' -library/NixFifty/TeamSpeak/ControllerAdmin/TeamSpeak.php:36 Shall I just switch PHP version?
  10. Votick

    TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid]

    Installed the addon, Won't even let me into the options :/ Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/merchant/public_html/library/NixFifty/TeamSpeak/ControllerAdmin/TeamSpeak.php on line 35
  11. Votick Integration [Paid]

    Any way to make this only apply to Avatars on the register page - This seems to resize them across the whole forum :/ EDIT: .charecter { height: 96px; padding: 10px; }
  12. Votick

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    This has probably been asked but on an older version I was able to remove the breadcrumb nav and forum title via ticket box. In the latest I can't find it anywhere... help?
  13. Votick

    Game Servers [Deleted]

    It's on UnrealEngine 3. I've tried source and UT nothing picks it up
  14. Votick

    Game Servers [Deleted]

    Hey @ceribik, Any chance for an update with KillingFloor 2 added in? Server online @ if you need a test. Query 7778 I think.
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