Recent content by Veston

  1. Veston

    XF 2.2 Search no longer indexed, rebuilt search then goes bad again

    On Saturday (July 15th 2023) I woke up to find my search was only going back a few hours. So I Rebuild my search index (it took 2 days) and everything was fine. Today I wake up and search is down again, only going back a few hours. I can Rebuild search again, but there must be a root problem...
  2. Veston

    XF 2.2 Can I block Certain users post in Similar threads

    Can I block a member/users threads from appearing in Similar threads? Also can I require that a Similar thread have at least x amount of replies? 10 replies for example. Thanks
  3. Veston

    Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    You are correct, the person that did my board upgrade said there were errors and he disabled the plugin. I tried to enable the plugin it didn't work, I did a rebuild, then enabled again and it work with no problem. My initial question is can I upgrade from 2.3.28 to 2.4.17 Can I do it manually...
  4. Veston

    Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Part II siropu I just spoke with my sysadmin and one click upgrade function will not be available to me right now. (through the admin panel) Can I do a manual upgrade (ftp)? Can it be done and still maintain my old ad positions Thanks - Veston
  5. Veston

    Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    siropu I just upgraded my board from 2.1.12 to 2.2.12 I was running Ads Manager 2.3.28, it had to be disable because of errors after the new install My question is can I upgrade straight to the latest version of Ads Manager 2.4.17 Can I upgrade with one click upgrade function to the latest...
  6. Veston

    XF 2.0 Error after updating to newest version

    Thanks for the clue, I had a /src/addons/s9e/MediaSites folder that I replaced and labeled the old folder MediaSites_bu_04042023 When I removed the old folder (MediaSites_bu_04042023) my add-on panel came back up. :)
  7. Veston

    s9e Media Sites

    I just updated my PHP to 7.4 The latest version of s9e Media Sites I had installed was 2.7.18 I have Xenforo 2.1.4 installed I attempted to upgrade to the latest version of s9e Media Sites 2.9.4 and my entire website crashed, I am locked out of the Admin Section and the board itself. Here is...
  8. Veston

    XF 1.5 Deleting a single cached proxy image

    I never got an answer.
  9. Veston

    XF 2.1 Copy and paste image to editor not as attachments

    I wonder if a fix for this problem is in the works 🤔
  10. Veston

    UI.X 2 Dark

  11. Veston

    UI.X 2 Dark

    Will this theme/style work with xenporta 2 right out of the box or will I need to make some changes. My website is pretty much stock. My members are on my tail about a dark theme. I'm using Xenforo v2.1.4 I did a quick scan of the discussions, I apologize if you have already answered this...
  12. Veston

    Shopping cart [Paid]

    If you ever offer the ability for customers to pay using Stripe I'm in. Nice Shopping Cart :)
  13. Veston

    Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid]

    Thanks, I kind of understand. I'll run some test until I get it. EDIT: I got it Appreciate it :)
  14. Veston

    Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid]

    Adsense Question: Adsense does not like ads place in forums that are NSFW So I put all NSFW content in a restricted forum. When a member is browsing in the NSFW forum, he/she can still see the banners in the Top Breadcrumb and Below Top Breadcrumb positions. Is there a way to stop the adsense...
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