Recent content by Vasaken

  1. Vasaken

    need user password to connect xenforo with my gameserver

    The gameserver and my forum are running on the same server. Thanks for helping! - Vasaken
  2. Vasaken

    need user password to connect xenforo with my gameserver

    Okay, thanks! So where is the password stored? And how do i encrypt a String to look exactly like the xenforo password? - Vasaken
  3. Vasaken

    need user password to connect xenforo with my gameserver

    Thank you for the quick reply. So Iam currently using this method to hash stuff. I've tried SHA-1 & SHA-256 but I got different keys with both of them using the "remember_key". public static String sha256(String base) { try{ MessageDigest digest =...
  4. Vasaken

    need user password to connect xenforo with my gameserver

    Hey guys, so as explained in the title, i need every user's xenforo password, to allow them to login on my gameserver. I know where to find the password (xf_user_authenticate > field "remember_key"). But how could i get the password as it is hashed. Or how do i know how it is hashed, so i can...
  5. Vasaken

    [XenCrea] Header & Background Evolved [Paid] [Deleted]

    Hello :) Got another question: When i change the background to a size like 1024x768, the background just cuts off the sides. Can i tell the background to always be 100% so that users will always got the screen filled with my background? Thanks in advance!
  6. Vasaken

    [XenCrea] Header & Background Evolved [Paid] [Deleted]

    Thanks! Everything works now. ;) Syloh
  7. Vasaken

    [XenCrea] Header & Background Evolved [Paid] [Deleted]

    My EXTRA.css was empty. After i've edited it that it looks like this: html.Public, body { background-repeat: no-repeat !important; background-attachment: fixed !important; } it still didn't work :/ Any other ideas? Thanks for helping!
  8. Vasaken

    [XenCrea] Header & Background Evolved [Paid] [Deleted]

    Thanks for the quick reply.
  9. Vasaken

    [XenCrea] Header & Background Evolved [Paid] [Deleted]

    Hello, i've got a problem to fix my background image. I want it to stay at the screen so if the user scrolls, the background image isn't repeating. It should stay and only the thread (for example) should scroll. I've tried a few examples from this thread but none of them worked for me...
  10. Vasaken

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Well, iam currently installing a plugin which allows me to turn debug mode on using the acp as changing it in the config didn't worked for me. Hopefully i get it fixed now.. ;) However, thx for helping! EDIT: It finally worked! Thanks for helping :-)
  11. Vasaken

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Yes thx, i found the template .css file. But the problem is that iam not able to delete it. Even with "$config['debug'] = 1;" it does not work for me :/ Any ideas?
  12. Vasaken

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Tried to reinstall XenPorta -> Keep getting the following message: "Template titles must be unique. The specified title is already in use." Does somebody know what to do? Thanks!
  13. Vasaken

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Hey XenForo Community ;-), i got a little problem configuring this. I've installed XenPorta and it works pretty well. But if i want to set the portal as the default page so that you get to the portal when you enter "" in your browser i check the "Set as Index Controler" option. If...
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