Recent content by uldosug

  1. uldosug

    [TH] Article Manager [Deleted]

    I'm getting "Request-URI Too Long" error when trying to upload attachments. Any way to fix that problem w/o increasing LimitRequestLine in apache config file? I noticed that AttachmentUploader button has a really long data-href field. Thanks.
  2. uldosug

    GoodForNothing Classifieds [Paid] [Deleted]

    Hi, guys! Write a second time. Help me please! How to make "Price" field optional? :rolleyes:
  3. uldosug

    GoodForNothing Classifieds [Paid] [Deleted]

    Hi! How to make the PRICE field not required? For all or only selected categories?
  4. uldosug

    XenZine Articles [Deleted]

    Take a gift or buy XenZine Articles...
  5. uldosug

    XenCore Tools (60 new features!) - [Deleted]

    I understand :( Thanks! :)
  6. uldosug

    XenCore Tools (60 new features!) - [Deleted]

    Their website is also not working! Maybe Putin blocked! :)
  7. uldosug

    XenCore Tools (60 new features!) - [Deleted]

    How to buy? The button is not functioning! Maybe it's me?
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