Recent content by TWTCommish

  1. TWTCommish

    Facebook Connect error

    Anything I can do here? I'm a license owner and all that and could really use the help. :)
  2. TWTCommish

    Facebook Connect error

    Nope. Yup.
  3. TWTCommish

    Facebook Connect error

    Hi there, Having a pretty standard problem: I can't login via Facebook. When I run the CP's Integration Test I get this: I've searched around a bit and it seems a number of users have run into this, and the problem is almost invariably solved by Mike asking for their FTP information and...
  4. TWTCommish

    The real value/message behind Christmas lost?

    That says more about others, then. If people decide to consider only the source and not weigh the validity of a given claim, that's up to them, but the fact of the matter is that the people motivated to do this sort of work aren't likely to be people who are indifferent to it, by definition, and...
  5. TWTCommish

    The real value/message behind Christmas lost?

    So, a source is only valid if it's not from a Christian? That's a bizarre stipulation. I suppose arguments against the existence of God are suspect if they don't come from theists, too? The source is either valid or not, regardless of the source or its intent, and in this case your response is...
  6. TWTCommish

    The real value/message behind Christmas lost?

    Christmas' supposed "pagan origins" are a bit of a fallacy, but it gets repeated quite a bit.
  7. TWTCommish

    Shout Box / Chat

    It's kinda silly to issue blanket declarations about how terrible they apparently are. It depends. My forum has had one for maybe 8 years, but it's custom and not in the traditional chatbox style that seems to have become common. Anyway, it certainly shouldn't be standard, but on the right...
  8. TWTCommish

    Getting ready to take XenForo for a spin!

    Getting ready to take XenForo for a spin!
  9. TWTCommish

    Fixed  Browser Timeout Issue

    I had a similar problem, tried this, and it worked. Many thanks. Important note: I got the same error as the OP, but it took no time at all to happen; it clearly wasn't an actual browser timeout issue.
  10. TWTCommish

    XF 1.0 Style Properties - Controlling Style Options

    Video back up, by the way. I must have caught it in transition for a few minutes.
  11. TWTCommish

    XF 1.0 Style Properties - Controlling Style Options

    Video seems to be missing at the moment...?
  12. TWTCommish

    Will you convert your vBulletin to XenForo when it's ready?

    Whether or not I convert will depend almost entirely on how viable remaining with my vB 3.7 installation is, and -- above all -- how easily I can learn the inner-workings and customize it. I have a very heavily customized forum and would have to be certain that I could duplicate most of the same...
  13. TWTCommish

    XF 1.0 Member Card

    Mixed feelings about this, though for performances' sake I can understand it. I do fully anticipate modifying the templates to add more data to the postbit, though. But provided that isn't too difficult, I certainly like the concept and expect it will work quite nicely for most admins.
  14. TWTCommish

    XF 1.0 Relative Timestamps

    Love this option. I'm running vBulletin 3.7 and had to add this myself with a jQuery plugin. Glad to see it'll be standard here.
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