Recent content by tvnewstalk

  1. T

    XF 1.4 IP.Board to XenForo with NGINX

    beta is the test server, there's no use putting this in the forums. config right now, because the old IPB site is still running there until I can figure this out. In fact, let's pretend I never mentioned the forums subdomain since it doesn't contain anything regarding XenForo right now...
  2. T

    XF 1.4 IP.Board to XenForo with NGINX

    The existing URL scheme looks like this: XenForo should look like this: The IPB forum is on the forums. subdomain, where the XenForo board will be once I can get...
  3. T

    XF 1.4 IP.Board to XenForo with NGINX

    server { listen 80; server_name access_log /home/tvnewstalk/logs/access.log; error_log /home/tvnewstalk/logs/error.log; rewrite_log on; root /home/tvnewstalk/www/xf; gzip on; client_max_body_size 30M; # Main location...
  4. T

    XF 1.4 IP.Board to XenForo with NGINX

    Removing the = from the location didn't help unfortunately.
  5. T

    XF 1.4 IP.Board to XenForo with NGINX

    Hello all... I've seem to run into a small problem while converting our site to XenForo. I cannot for the life of me get NGINX to pass old URL's to the ips2xf.php script. I've tried to use the examples posted here, but have had no luck. Since we host our forums in the root directory, I...
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