Recent content by Finexes

  1. Finexes

    Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) [Paid]

    Same issue for me, can no longer create groups.
  2. Finexes

    XF 2.2 Registered days conditional

    I don't think so, {{ number(($xf.time - $xf.visitor.register_date) / 86400) }} returns an integer I want to compare to "3", so that should be correct. Basically this can be understood as <xf:if is="5 <= 3">
  3. Finexes

    XF 2.2 Registered days conditional

    Hi there, in the template of a page node, I'm using the following conditional to check, if a user is registered for less than 3 days: <xf:if is="{{ number(($xf.time - $xf.visitor.register_date) / 86400) }} <= 3"> // registered for less than 3 days <xf:else /> // registered for 3...
  4. Finexes

    XF 2.0 edit templates in file system?

    There you go:
  5. Finexes

    XF 2.2 Proxied imgur images stopped working today

    This may be related to the following thread:
  6. Finexes

    Conditional Statements for XenForo 2

    Assuming that the $user variable is available in your template, you could use the following: <xf:if is="$user.isOnline()"> User is online </xf:if>
  7. Finexes

    XF 2.2 How do I edit the page that displays when the forum is down?

    It's the template service_worker_offline.
  8. Finexes

    XF 2.2 Way to display a userflag or banner if email & password has been updated recently?

    There is indeed a way to check the last password change: <xf:if is="($xf.time - $xf.user.Profile.password_date) < 604800"> // user changed password in the last 7 days </xf:if> Not sure about the email though.
  9. Finexes

    Add-on Update Notifier

    And same here.
  10. Finexes

    Check Add-On update Thread

    Last one here, would be happy to assist :)
  11. Finexes

    [OzzModz] XFOptimize - Minify, Preconnect & Preload [Deleted]

    I'm using something similar, you can achieve this without JS. In PAGE_CONTAINER replace {{ phrase('extra_copyright') }} with {{ phrase('extra_copyright', {'year' : date($xf.time, 'Y')}) }}, afterwards you can edit the phrase extra_copyright and use {year} for the current year, e.g. © 2010 -...
  12. Finexes

    Social Groups for XenForo [Paid]

    Hi there @Ozzy47, I keep getting the following error since a few days: XF\Db\Exception: MySQL fetch error [2014]: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php:230 Generated by: Unknown account Dec 20, 2022 at 12:37 AM Stack trace SELECT...
  13. Finexes

    Need help . What add-on this one

    It's either this: Or that: Both add-ons offer the above functionality.
  14. Finexes

    XF 2.2 Conditional: thread creator is member of

    $thread.User.isMemberOf($xf.options.userGroupID1) should work.
  15. Finexes

    XF 2.2 Change cookie prefix

    Thanks @Brogan, pretty sure that everyone can live with that :)
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