Recent content by TrayHard

  1. TrayHard

    XF 2.0 Length-limited MYSQL request?

    Oh, thanks a lot! And could you please let me know, how to make varchar row properly? Since I have such error: With such code: public function installStep2() { $this->schemaManager()->alterTable('tray_league_matches', function(Alter $table) {...
  2. TrayHard

    XF 2.0 Length-limited MYSQL request?

    Hello! I have an issue here. Here is my code for Setup.php: <?php namespace Tray\League; use XF\AddOn\AbstractSetup; use XF\Db\Schema\Alter; use XF\Db\Schema\Create; class Setup extends AbstractSetup { use \XF\AddOn\StepRunnerInstallTrait; use \XF\AddOn\StepRunnerUninstallTrait...
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