Recent content by tr1cky

  1. T

    XenCentral Feedback System 2 [Paid]

    Could you provide a way to fix this for Xenforo 2.0 users?
  2. T

    New content limit [Paid]

    Quoting myself here because I can't edit or remove the post anymore. After being in contact with @AndyB he fixed an issue where you could still send messages through a direct request. Andy is the man, very helpful and willing to work out any problems, can't recommend his addons highly enough!
  3. T

    New content limit [Paid]

    Hey, addon doesn't work. User creates a conversation and instantly leaves the conversation, does this for ~1000 times, no problem. Limits are ignored.
  4. T

    🔥 [Foro.Agency] Real-time Shoutbox (NodeJS & Socket.IO) [Deleted]

    @[F.A] Walky I see that you use the shoutbox on XenForo 2.1 on your own board. Is this a new version of the shoutbox? Would it be possible to get an update for XenForo 2.1?
  5. T

    🔥 [Foro.Agency] Real-time Shoutbox (NodeJS & Socket.IO) [Deleted]

    I can't renew any licenses on the site. It says: "Please enter a value for the required field 'business'."
  6. T

    XF 2.0 Very high spam rates at forum

    You could do something like this with promotions. After x days you put new members into another group.
  7. T

    XF2 json_decode problem

    This is regarding XF2: Let's say, I want to read out the content of xf_payment_provider_log -> log_details: $row = json_decode($row['log_details'], true); print_r ($row); Works fine. But, if there are any special characters in the original log_details entry, nothing is returned. How would I...
  8. T

    🔥 [Foro.Agency] Real-time Shoutbox (NodeJS & Socket.IO) [Deleted]

    It also is the only shoutbox that has very good performance, even with 300-400 users chatting at the same time.
  9. T

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    @mcatze I assume you use this plugin on a German board. Does it work good for you? Any false-positives?
  10. T

    Not a bug Spam filter does not work

    I guess Google also crawls polls and this is a pretty easy method for spam-bots to spam their links.
  11. T

    Not a bug Spam filter does not work

    Why is it not supposed to be?
  12. T

    Not a bug Spam filter does not work

    Hello, when creating a poll, the stuff in the poll isn't checked against the spam filter. Regards tr1cky
  13. T

    XF 2.0 Very high spam rates at forum

    Seems like xenforo 2 is targeted a lot more by spammers than xenforo 1. Add a list of spam domains: Also add keywords to check for. Since spammers usually advertise some site, you can manually approve the first X...
  14. T

    UI.X 2

    Would be nice to notify users if you change the subscription system to their disadvantage.
  15. T

    Not a bug XF\Db\InvalidQueryException: MySQL statement prepare error

    Hello, since upgrading to 2.0.9 I get the following error: XF\Db\InvalidQueryException: MySQL statement prepare error [1064]: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 's a%' GROUP BY thread.thread_id...
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