Recent content by tmoflash

  1. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 Modifying the "nodes/forums/threads"

    @hemant_bhardwaj oh man thanks, I appreciate it. How would you like to proceed? @sbj thank you also, I will take your advice most definitely.
  2. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 Modifying the "nodes/forums/threads"

    I was able to figure out where this is located. nod_list.less, node_list_forum, node_list_page. I have been playing with them being inline, inline-block, block adjusting width but still not making any headway. I cannot get them to line up like I want. Here is a mock-up of something similar...
  3. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 Modifying the "nodes/forums/threads"

    I am trying to stylize the forum itself. I cannot find the right template and/or location. What I am specifically trying to do is make the forums similar to: Would anyone be willing to share this information? Thanks, tmo
  4. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 my BBCode is missing from my theme.

    I figured it out. It was missing class"p-header"
  5. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 my BBCode is missing from my theme.

    I do not have the bbcode guide to format text w/in my theme and I do not know why. Any suggestions on what I can check? Where should this be located. What specifically I am referring to is missing: My theme looks like: Thanks, tmo
  6. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 Made a mistake - Theme

    I accidentally overwrote my default theme. Is there a way to keep my theme I have and import default theme to use as a parent? - Can I export theme, rename the default folder to another name - Import default theme (not sure how to get the xml file) - then upload newly named theme - import xml...
  7. tmoflash


    Yes it is already enabled.
  8. tmoflash


    Unfortunately still have same issue when I replaced the .htaccess with recommended. I tried to use friendly urls and still broken links.
  9. tmoflash


    When I change settings to friendly urls I get page not found after when I click on any post/thread. I have full access to the .htaccess as this is a dedicated server. I am using apache2 ubuntu 16.04 - what settings or changes do I need to make .htaccess work as intended. This is my .htaccess...
  10. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 Making grid format

    This is a custom style created for my site. I will ask my developer to make changes, but was curious if it was something I could do. Just didn't know where to look for this type style.
  11. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 Making grid format

    How do I make the forums look like a grid format - <--- like this site? Also, it has collapsible forums which I am curious about as well -
  12. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 Moving to new or importing old database

    I have blank screen for everything including admin cp as well. When I click around inside of panel it goes to blank pages
  13. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 Moving to new or importing old database

    I am able to get into the admin panel, but the forums are still balk - entire page is actually:
  14. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 Moving to new or importing old database

    Sweet, I'll add that shortly. Once I get it added do I have to use tools to rebuild forums?
  15. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 Moving to new or importing old database

    Here are the screenshots What the forum looks like: The Auth Codes it is asking for:
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