Recent content by The 4th Stooge

  1. The 4th Stooge

    Any list of ad locations?

    I would imagine that you could apply an inline style to the div, something like, "style="margin-top: 10px" for example.
  2. The 4th Stooge


    Any word yet on resolving the "outdated templates" message?
  3. The 4th Stooge

    Outdated Templates?

    Functionality is fine, but it seemed odd that the message came up following a fresh install of the theme. I wonder if there's a way to "reset" the message, or will I see it from now on?
  4. The 4th Stooge

    Outdated Templates?

    Yesterday I installed the Flexile theme and now get a message in the ACP, "There are templates that may be outdated." Do I need to act on this in any way?
  5. The 4th Stooge

    Float Thumbnail

    Awesome, I'll check it out. Thanks!
  6. The 4th Stooge

    Float Thumbnail

    Is there a way to have the text in a post wrap around a thumbnail image? I'd like to be able to insert a thumbnail at the top-left of a post and have the text surround it, not start below it, which seems the default behavior.
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