Recent content by Techknowsitall

  1. Techknowsitall

    Transferable License?

    How come my license ISNT transferable? I got the license on December 25th, 2014.
  2. Techknowsitall

    XF 1.4 New item in Navigation Bar

    These are what it shows
  3. Techknowsitall

    XF 1.4 New item in Navigation Bar

    Hi! I need help on adding another item to my navigation bar. I used <li class="navTab PopupClosed"><a href="Link address" class="navLink">Link Name</a> inside of navigation and it works. But when I go on my phone, I cannot see the item on mobile. Is there any other thing I can do?
  4. Techknowsitall

    XF 1.4 Changing my XenForo Link

    Ah, thank you very much.
  5. Techknowsitall

    XF 1.4 Changing my XenForo Link

    Hi, so I just installed XenForo on my site, but instead of putting , I used . I use to go to the site itself, but if a user gets sent an email such as when they are registering, in their email, it shows up as...
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