Recent content by TeacherMac

  1. TeacherMac

    Multiple Landing Pages and Subscriptions

    Hi Brogan, Your reply to both my questions, and with no response from the community, tells me that this software has major limitations for my needs and there wouldn't be support for my project. Thank you for saving me the price of the software since everything I need, according to your blanket...
  2. TeacherMac

    Multiple Landing Pages and Subscriptions

    This should be the final question I have before purchasing this software. I'm still working on the logistics, and see that as a hourly operation, especially once I've launched the site. I need to know if the following is possible out-of-the-box or if it will require additional programming and...
  3. TeacherMac

    Lookup of custom field using an external API

    Thank you for your response. As an aside, the site will be social economic, the reason for the it being limited to people in the US. One additional question, is it easy to connect external APIs to this software? Thanks, Greg
  4. TeacherMac

    Lookup of custom field using an external API

    One of the requirements for the site I'm creating is that you must must live in the USA and I plan to do that by requiring the user's postal zip code. When the user creates a post I want the zip code shown with the user's name and, when anyone views the post they can hover over the zip code to...
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