Recent content by Tayfun

  1. Tayfun

    XF 2.2 Node title size change?

    Hello, how can i edit node title size? i couldnt find in acp?
  2. Tayfun

    XF 2.2 extra.less not working?

    Thank you so much.
  3. Tayfun

    XF 2.2 extra.less not working?

    Edit: I have cliked saved and exit button then okey activated.
  4. Tayfun

    XF 2.2 extra.less not working? I have added the this codes in extra.less .node.node--unread { border-left: 5px solid #0fe87b; } bu it is not seem on home page
  5. Tayfun

    XF 2.2 extra.less not working?

    Hello guys, I added some codes in extra.less templates, but this code blocks of extra.less not showing my css? Is there a any activation panel for the extra.less?
  6. Tayfun

    XF 2.2 Xenforo system couldnt send activation email?

    Hello, I installed my system new, but new users can register to system but xenforo system cannot send to activation mail to new users to activate their account. Also i go this server error when the new user try to register to system:
  7. Tayfun

    XF 1.4 box view

    Hello guys, how can i set my categories like box view? demo:
  8. Tayfun

    XF 1.4 avatar size

    any help? it shouldn't be that hard
  9. Tayfun

    XF 1.4 avatar size

    how i can change avatar standart size 96 to 80px? all avatar will be 80px
  10. Tayfun

    XF 1.4 reCHAPTA not working ?

    When users at registration page, stuck at loading message at below: Verification: reCAPTCHA verification is loading. Please refresh the page if it does not load. any solution?
  11. Tayfun

    XF 1.4 forum permission

    thank you done, revoke and never choices is confusing but i solved :)
  12. Tayfun

    XF 1.4 forum permission

    hello guys, i want to set permission just for admins see the specific category or forum, but i could not find it. when i click node permission, there was general user group permission not for nodes.
  13. Tayfun

    XF 1.4 How i can reset usergroup permission?

    Hello guys, i mixed setup usergroup permission, but i want to set reset to default setting, how i can do?
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