Recent content by SwissRS3

  1. SwissRS3

    XF 2.0 Where does data-xf-init="toggle-storage" store data?

    Hey Masetrix, the I missunderstood you answer, I understood you are telling me how to solve it, sorry for that...
  2. SwissRS3

    XF 2.0 Where does data-xf-init="toggle-storage" store data?

    Hey Masetrix, thanks for the reply. Now I'm just stuck and don't know where I can change the "Expiry Date" for the cookie? Do I have to search the ACP (if yes, where?) or is it a direct manipulation in the SQL database (if yes, in which table?)? Sorry for my missing knowledge, I still quite new...
  3. SwissRS3

    Reverse Post Order [Paid]

    I would like to jump in on this. As user Jakko just stated, some of my users (like myself) prefer to have the most recent post displayed at the top of each topic. Other prefer to have the normal sorting - for my needs the option to specify the sorting order within the node is not of any help. I...
  4. SwissRS3

    XF 2.0 Where does data-xf-init="toggle-storage" store data?

    Hi, I have added this add.on and I actually love it. Unfortunately, the last setting, i.e. whether a forum is collapsed or not, is lost when the user logs off. Does anyone know, what I need to do to store these settings persistently (beyond log in/log out)?
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