Recent content by SwiftSwamp

  1. SwiftSwamp

    [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    Not sure if this is already added or not but this would be a greatly appreciated addition: Adding the ability where when I post something in a specific channel or do @everyone, it will send that comment as a comment on the thread of my choosing so I can easily give updates on Discord to...
  2. SwiftSwamp

    XFArcade Questions;

    Ahh okay, thanks! Sorry about that. It seems that the post related to it has been deleted or I just can't access it:
  3. SwiftSwamp

    XFArcade Questions;

    Hello, I've recently installed XFArcade as it seems like it's the only "Proper" Arcade System currently out their for Xenforo. Any Arcade games that I can currently find seem to be like poor ports or not finished or just something fun someone made, I was wondering if anyone knows of any site...
  4. SwiftSwamp

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    I'm having an issue , I have the normal "Home" tab at the top of my forum. When I installed XenPorta I received a second "Home" tab for the portal , how do I remove the XenForo Default one?
  5. SwiftSwamp

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    I have this annoying issue and I've checked every single option in XenForo , I don't remember to go (when I fixed it when I first had XenForo a while ago) to remove the first home. The second home that's currently selected is the portal from XenPorta.
  6. SwiftSwamp

    XF 1.2 XenForo with Bootstrap.

    I've looked through the files of XenForo and a bit and researched and this is something I'm not too sure off. I have seen some sites with a bootstrap header (above the XenForo website) that has the normal things as their home, sorta like a integrated but it just has the drop downs on the tabs...
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