Recent content by sweepsmaster

  1. sweepsmaster

    [BS] Scheduled posting [Deleted]

    We did solve the problem on our own. Thanks so much for all the help.
  2. sweepsmaster

    [XF2SEO] XenForo SEO

    We were able to locate the problem. We have a dev forum and production forum. For some reason there were some shared resources between the 2 sites that was causing the admin cp errors for the plugin.
  3. sweepsmaster

    [XF2SEO] XenForo SEO

    I am getting this error in the admin cp for your add-on even though everything seems to be working. Any ideas? I have checked that this file exists in the correct place and it's permissions are correct. Exception: Could not find class XF2SEO\SEOPackage\XF\Entity\User when attempting to extend...
  4. sweepsmaster

    [BS] Scheduled posting [Deleted]

    It's Me. @sweepsmaster. I can post any info you need. What parts of the log do you need? Here is an example of a recent error event. These seem to happen every few minutes. Exception: Could not find class BS\ScheduledPosting\XF\Entity\User when attempting to extend XF\Entity\User...
  5. sweepsmaster

    [BS] Scheduled posting [Deleted]

    We've used the Xenforo uploader and installed. Also done it manually with the same result. Not sure why the Xenforo installer would not set the correct permissions? ( what is the correct permission ) *I've checked the file(s) and they are located in that path as well. We are behind a...
  6. sweepsmaster

    [BS] Scheduled posting [Deleted]

    We have done that. Still getting the same error. Here are the server stats. PHP version 7.4.20 MySQL version 5.7.34 PHP memory_limit 384M PHP post_max_size 256M PHP upload_max_filesize 512M PHP max_input_vars 1000 PHP max_execution_time 3000 cURL version 7.77.0 cURL SSL...
  7. sweepsmaster

    [BS] Scheduled posting [Deleted]

    I am seeing the following error when I install the latest version of this scheduler. Any ideas? Exception: Could not find class BS\ScheduledPosting\XF\Entity\User when attempting to extend XF\Entity\User src/XF/Extension.php:174 Generated by: Unknown account Jul 1, 2021 at 7:33 PM Stack trace...
  8. sweepsmaster

    No follow links option for admins and mods

    This doesn't sound like it does what I am looking for? Sounds like you have to manage an extensive blacklist instead of just marking individual links as admin or mod.
  9. sweepsmaster

    No follow links option for admins and mods

    Is there a plugin that would allow mods and admins to manually mark links in posts "nofolllow"? I was surprised that this was not included in the latest release of Xenforo. If this can't be be done it would be good to just mark all internal links ( same domain as forum ) "follow" and all...
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