Recent content by superfadi1

  1. S

    XF 2.2 Help with SQL query to get who replied to a thread

    Hi The following SQL query will fetch who replied to any thread. SELECT DISTINCT xf_post.user_id, xf_post.username, xf_user.user_group_id FROM xf_post, xf_user WHERE thread_id = ? AND xf_user.user_id = xf_post.user_id ORDER BY user_id ASC I want to...
  2. S

    XF 2.2 Hide post username if member of group

    I fixed it. Here is correct conditional statement <xf:if is="$post.User AND {{$post.User.isMemberOf([x,y,z])}}"> </xf:if>
  3. S

    XF 2.2 Hide post username if member of group

    I am trying to hide post username if he is a member of certain user group The following conditional statement is working in template "post_macros" but with error "Template error: Cannot call method isMemberOf on a non-object (NULL)" <xf:if is="$post.User.isMemberOf([x,y,z])"> <xf:macro...
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