Recent content by Steven Ryals

  1. S

    [bd] API

    Could not process File does not appear to be a valid add-on archive as expected.
  2. S

    Posts API: Missing Required Inputs

    OMG it wants message & thread_id in the url parameters? no way that's the intention.. so no posts over about 2000 characters can be done since url max length is 2048 not including the url encoding characters.. please tell me I'm missing something.
  3. S

    Posts API: Missing Required Inputs

    What's wrong here? I can't figure it out.
  4. S

    [bd] API

    Oh.. so I have to build this somehow? Are there any tutorials on what to do with the repo ?
  5. S

    [bd] API

    is 1.6.3 the latest version? I can't get it to install from archive on 2.2.12.
  6. S

    Abbreviation Expansion [Paid] [Deleted]

    I could use something like this. But it would be really cool to set acronyms and definitions in admin, and auto link them with a title attribute ie: if someone said "I like XF more than BB" the XF and BB are pre-defined in admin and woul dhave title attributes showing the values "Xenforo"...
  7. S

    Giphy Integration [Deleted]

  8. S

    Giphy Integration [Deleted]

    Somethings not quite right. I get the keys instead of values in options.
  9. S

    Silvertails Tenor Gif integration [Deleted]

    Thanks pal. I just installed your 1.x add-on ;)
  10. S

    Giphy Integration [Deleted]

    Installed, but I dont have the giphy button I have bbm installed and enabled Any help would be much appreciated. Cool feature here. :). Thx
  11. S

    [TH] Giphy [Deleted]

    does this still work for 1.5?
  12. S

    Silvertails Tenor Gif integration [Deleted]

    ha.. enjoy my $20.. lol paid by paypal with the wrong email, so I didnt get the direct link to download paid by paypal with the correct email, got the link.. install.. WOOPS.. i'm on version 1.x :( was really excited about this too.. and no, i'm not going to upgrade.. too much work lol
  13. S

    [bd] API

    Attempting to authenticate users: GET getting this response: {"errors":["You do not have permission to view this page or perform...
  14. S

    XenAPI - XenForo PHP REST API

    Also, is there a way to handle longer posts > 2083 url characters ?
  15. S

    XenAPI - XenForo PHP REST API

    no issues, just don't see the documentation, so didn't know the correct format. is this the correct format? api.php?thread_id=9882&message=POST_TEXT_HERE&hash=AUTH_HASH (where bot user id = 81 & my thread id = 9882 & AUTH_HASH = rcvd from user authentication)
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