Recent content by Sligasta

  1. Sligasta

    XF 2.1 Custom Group Badges

    So I'm trying to have custom badge images as what shows up instead of the whole "Staff Member" and "Administrator" plain text be there surrounded by a oval border. Does anyone know where to put the code and what code is needed to do so? Thanks in advanced!
  2. Sligasta

    Transffering site from one license to another

    So I have to remove my site right now or can I keep it there until I purchase my own license?
  3. Sligasta

    Transffering site from one license to another

    Hello there. So right now my friend is letting me use his license for my site <snip> and I was wondering when I decide to buy my own license in the future, is it possible to transfer my site from his license to my license without losing any of the data at all? Thanks for the help in advance!
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